
If you knew the difference between there, their and they're then maybe I'd begin to try to take you seriously, but instead your Swedish pride has got the better of you. Maybe you should get the Chinese in to save your cars? Oh

I take photos of planes high up like this with HS50, 42x zoom built in, and looks about right

Can someone explain how that Audi in anyway fulfils what Americans want? I thought they just want what the Europeans get?

If these can dilute the VAG domination (at least here in Europe), then I hope they sell well. Good looking cars, genuine reliability and good value generally.

How are two companies which are effectively brothers allowed to compete against each other? Won't this be detrimental for the team who loses? I'm surprised VW allowed this really

FM/AM is only popular because car manufacturers still don't install DAB radio's like they do FM/AM.

Did they make the v10 that early on?

The f*ck? A manual???

Read plenty a time that this car was largely engineered in the UK, and no, not just that lotus body

Just like the btcc super touring era, more money, better car. Doesn't mean the driver is any better

Yeah but at least you can either swim from a ferry or crawl from a burning train. What do you do when your plane explodes at 30000 feet?

What exactly was this video meant to be showing? That the car feels like a simulator? A simulator which makes it feel like you're in the car? Erm. Also, someone might want these to be Seat's but they're VW's now.

Plane travel still scares me. I'd rather use ferries, although I am in the uk and by ferry we can reach the nurburgring. Maybe I'm biased

I was going to but I want the MG's winning :)

Last year. Sponsor dropped the driver (rob Austin) for another team (boooo!!). But rob has the biggest fan base and fans can buy shares in the team, with their photo on top of the car

What's the deal with this livery? I mean, it makes me happy too, but why?

Maybe it's my young (ish) age, but these are German to me now, not Spanish. Same with Skoda etc

Hate Apple but it's about time they did this. Rather you be able to update the system yourself though to run Android or something. Then you could basically have a tablet inside, install either apps or a custom OS to suite you. This looks ok for now, until people get bored

Congratulations, you can drive left!

Is this really only just making the rounds? Isn't this film over 6 years old now?