Funny - in much of the world, being multilingual is the mark of an educated intelligent person.
Only in America are morons proud that they only know one language
Funny - in much of the world, being multilingual is the mark of an educated intelligent person.
Only in America are morons proud that they only know one language
These people honestly think that the world revolves around them. They think that anywhere they go, they are the most interesting and important person in the room, so when someone is speaking in a language they cannot understand, they assume that they must be talking shit about them. I guarantee you that is what was in…
You guys keep loudly wondering what poor white trash get out of the Trump administration? This is what they get. They get to feel empowered to be racist in public. That’s all they wanted. And it makes them super happy. Of course they don’t give a fuck about any of the outrageous policies! They get to use the N word…
I’ve worked with the public my entire working career. Let me tell you,90 percent of native English speakers lack communication skills. They use vague wording leaving you to guess as to what they need,they use slang known only to them and mispronounce even the simplest words. If you want others to speak English you…
As an American born and raised here I can say this just shows how stupid and ignorant Americans can be. We are xenophobic to the point of not knowing what is happening outside our country. America is NOT great. We are at a low point.
I am so exhausted by this. Uttering threats and the cops just shrug.
Visiting relatives. Welp, there couldn’t be a more clear-cut example of “don’t judge because you don’t know everything”, I guess.
“You don’t freeload in this fucking country,”
You never see these people getting angry about someone speaking French or Russian. I wonder why?
Can we say that if she’s not 100% Native American, she should fuck off back to her fucking country. Because it’s not this one.
They were pretty intent on taking his car without verifying anything.
sports were the only activity at my school that mattered. if you were in sports, you were allowed to do whatever you wanted. if you were bad at sports but forced to play in PE, you were shamed constantly. I still encounter people who can’t fathom why I’m not excited about OPENING DAY AT ARROWHEAD and I’m like look at…
I loath this line of thinking. Half of the women I know including myself who were raped were done so by highschool or college athletes. And we’ve all heard about what promise they had. How their futures were at stake. Underhanded remarks toward their victims if their undoing was because of their sexual aggression. I…
For decades a good local sportswriter could turn any athlete, almost always a man, into a hero—regardless of how that man actually treated the people in his life. They did this again and again and again and again and some still do.
It’s surprising to me that such a jock didn’t get laid until well beyond his high school days.
I know some folks are arguing that playing sports neither makes one more “good” or more “bad”but I have a different view. Organized sports reminds me of the police. There’s a toxic element that’s been allowed to fester and there privilege/power given to certain athletes . In no way am I saying every team or league is…
Thinking back to my high school, the popular and successful athletes definitely seemed like the people most likely to denigrate women. I’m sure most of them were decent people, but the idea that being a star athlete makes you less likely to victimize women seems hugely improbable.
Sports teaches people that self is more important than team, in most cases. Pro sports in particular. A given player is generally more concerned with their statistics and ability to be spotted and paid well. Sure, they need their team to win, but it’s much better if it was there points than a teammate’s points.