
Please, AMC, please just stop.

Finally had a chance to watch the video...

I think Coupon Carl needs a job where he doesn’t interact with the public, don’t you?”

This is FUCKING insane. I’ve been a retail manager. Generally, it isn’t a fun job. There are a certain percentage of people who will try to scam you, but how this asshole reacted is absolutely not the way to address a reasonable suspicion of someone attempting to do so.

A forger working for CVS accuses a woman of being a forger.

Ajit Pai is a smug little prick who can eat a bag of dicks and choke to death. He hates anything that isn’t “free market” and has no regard for fairness or the needs of anyone who isn’t a well educated corporate shill. I want to smash his stupid giant coffee mug in his face.

But of course the Trump-run FCC wants to do this. Trump has been saying and doing -- pretty much since forever -- fuck anyone who isn’t rich and white. Last I checked, Native Americans aren’t his target demographic of rich and white, so they’re getting fucked, just as Trump intended.

Okay, I’ll bite. Why not.

White anxiety over identity is so real and toxic. These people are actually doing all this shit and enacting all this policy because they’re afraid of America becoming a less white nation... in the future... when they’ll all be fucking dead. Despite the fact that we need immigration to keep our working adult populatio

AS the son of a naturalized citizen, all I can say is: 

They’re just casting the net wider, and wider. Eventually they’re going to start cannibalizing themselves.

Oh, they must mean cases like Melania illegally working here.

I feel like a broken record, because I so often say this on your articles, but this is brilliant. And it is shattering, and I wish that everyone would read it.

Spot on.

>>> Nobody ever would have given a shit about anything Betsy DeVos ever did in her life if she didn’t have nine digits before the zero in the bank

but this is what happens when fifty-three percent of white women vote against their self-interest

I would be pleased if she would just say “I’m just here to dismantle the nation’s public education the same way I poured enough money into Michigan to destroy their public school system. All kids should be educated by religious schools, and by that I mean conservative Protestant schools, and not Catholic or Gawd

I’m amazed that she ever learned how to speak. The fact that she’s a member of trumps cabinet I can understand, it’s the fact that this woman can walk, talk, dress and feed herself that is astounding. Kudos to her for overcoming her incredible inadequacies.

“...death slolom...”

That’s been the GOP’s strategy for decades: be a self fulfilling prophecy. Say government is broken, break the government, blame the Democrats.