
I think yours is a shoop. Some of the pixels, et al...

I'm going to go with the low hanging fruit and say the Toyota Tacoma/Hilux. Still see these things every day.

I know just what to do with this...

There's more than that, too. I'm going back and re-watching this series as I remember when it came out there were a ton of concept cars and one-offs, not to mention a Lancia Stratos peppered thought the series. You could do a whole post just on cars from this anime...*

There is.

Now playing

Any of the improvised highway bridges that until 2005 were the only way to drive between Central Russia and the Russian Far East past the Zilov Gap.

Now playing

One MiG jet engine? I'll see you and raise you two jet engines from a Mach-3 MiG 25.

Body panels? Body panels!? You've got to be kidding me.

Came here for Bull Semen. Left disappointed.

NACA Duct. Preferably in a small windtunnel with smoke lines to illustrate the effect.

Orig. the Enterprise was planned to go into space as an active shuttle after Attitude and Landing tests were complete. But it was realized it would have been very expensive to actually do this. The tradeoff? Structural spares and other parts made for testing became the shuttles Challenger and Endeavour.

How about you start from the Hello Kitty rifle, and work your way up, soldier.

Unimog Hi-rail truck. The most fun you can have on-road, off-road, and/or on rails. Proof: [www.flickr.com]

The video clearly says the first two were the United States and the USSR/Russia.

Simple. Just ask Burt Rutan and Scaled Composites. They have been flying composite materials for decades.

Incorrect. When referring to aerospace repair, despite it's superficial similarity to duct tape, it is properly called Speed Tape.

Either that, or they were doing the Red Bull + Alcohol routine. Remember Four Loko?

Vdio killed the Rdio star.

I find it disappointing that they look EXACTLY like the Chevy minivan front end. Especially the crew cab model. Minivan look + truck bed = fail.