
Abusive people don’t look like cartoon villains, but rather like normal people. I’m not saying this guy is abusive, but posting a smiling photo of him with his kid literally proves nothing one way or the other.

he’s a cunt, and i don’t wanna hear him talk unless he does have taylor swift tickets, sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Yup, Kasich gets the “moderate” appellation from national news only because the rest of his friends in the clown car is so fucking insane. He’s anti-choice, and it’s clear from this article why.

She smokes A LOT of weed the minute she gets home.

My mom is a dental hygienist in a liberal college town. Oh lord the anger she feels listening to people with rotting teeth whine about flouride in the water supply controlling their brains. Or “How can I need a root canal?! I brush with Tom’s toothpaste!”

My sister graduated from Bard this year, and a former inmate from this program was graduating too. He gave the best speech and got the biggest applause. Hope things go well for that kid.

Education = lower recidivism, certainly, but we also have to factor in that these three men took steps to apply for the program and be accepted. Their motivation is a key factor. Applying that same education to the prison population as a whole wouldn’t have the same effect.

State Institution for Male Defective Delinquents

I had a weird encounter with some guy that was purportedly a dentist that was dedicated to removing old fillings from OLDs like myself because the mercury in them was slowly driving me mad. He also performed said dentistry in his backyard to provide a more natural setting. “Eco-dentist” sounds better than the

No one wants your fly over leaves.

How do I get this job tho.

‘Brush twice daily with this sustainable beach-paste and use your own hair as a floss tool. And do not eat nightshades.’ She hands you a jar of sand from Staten Island and a photocopied brochure about hair floss. ‘That will be 349 dollars.’

I have no idea but I know you can “chelate” metals with Cilantro Pesto! (This is on her FB page)

Please tell me your FB friend is a hamster.

In a recent study, over 40 percent of parents agree or strongly agree that vaccines played a part in the development of their children’s autism.”

The thought of The Rock singing in a Disney movie makes me inexplicably happy.

What is with all these ghosting friends? I honestly had no idea when I posted about this that so many people would go, “me too!” It’s crazy! I’m sorry you had to go through that. I wish you could have taken her boxes and dumped them on her lawn and set fire to them, or done some other less dangerous but still

I heard the report on NPR this morning. There were a few people saying that this kind of testing should be routine and discussion of fertility should come up at every annual doctor visit. The counterpoint was that it isn’t totally reliable. It would have been nice to have another voice pointing out that another reason

A little OT, but germane to “fish that swim” and “tales of stupid swimmers”: At the beach one afternoon, my dad once approached the lifeguard and asked him if the fin he saw in the water was a shark.