
The real question is; are we going to get Pinkham’s Law on this story? “Maybe she was from a culture where throwing soup is a common sign of professional courtesy”? “Maybe the restaurant owner is lying and also tampered with the surveillance camera”? “Who among us can honestly say we have never physically assaulted

I also liked how individual narratives stressed that person’s relative lack of agency: when he tells the story, she is much more forward than he is, and he is almost seduced. When she tells the story, it’s the reverse — it makes it seem like he wanted it more than her. I like this emphasis on the self-serving function

“People these days” live on average several decades more than people of the past. It’s one thing to be 100% monogamous when your spouse croaks at 35, it’s another when they’re gone at 95. Not to mention that affairs have always been a thing.

Thanks! I have to believe that the news will be not super scary. Because if I don't I start panicking and losing it.

Okay, Fergus, you are a treasure and I love you and I hate humans.

I am SO HAPPY he found a new home!

I’ve talked about working on losing weight before and I’m pretty stoked now because I hit 100 pounds total weight loss this week. I still have more to lose but I think that’s awesome.

Well, I’m on my phone at work... glad I caught this...

I signed up for my first half marathon this week! I’d wanted to for a while but kept hemming and hawing and Erin’s story totally inspired me. I’m slower than Christmas but at least I’m getting there!

I had a second date last week and before leaving my apartment my date farted. Loudly. In a dramatic fashion. Then left. Part of me thinks it was an accident and he just decided to go with it.

1. I got called a “faggot” last night for wearing my knee-high, 3 1/2 inch heel boots, a skirt and a corset. That kind of thing hasn’t happened in a long time. Even better was telling the guy off because wearing “women’s” clothes somehow makes me gay but him having “truck nuts” doesn’t say anything about him.

It's totally normal to be happy for a close friend getting married today and also feel major feels for yourself because you're nowhere close, right? I feel completely selfish that I'm bummed out on their special day. I've been on the verge of tears pretty much all day.

Current serial killer. If not people, then definitely animals. Most likely pets.

All I have to say this Saturday is fuck whoever is doing this, I hope a dog throws acid on them. Sadly, this will not happen because dogs are infinitely classier than I am. (Obviously I’m a cat person because cats would totally gang up on this monster.)

Someone who attacks animals with acid = future serial killer

haha made me drop my wine glass

15% might have been the norm in 1975. If you've been dining out this century I really hope you've been tipping 20%.

Have you considered the reason you’re unpopular is because you’re entirely full of shit? Because I’ve worked a significant number of 6-hour shifts (most serving shifts tend to be around 6 hours, unless you’re working a double) and made $30 due to lack of business.

My guess on what really went down:

Hahahahaha, oh Brayden, darling, did you read that delightful new Bruce Williams column in the daily print out of the internet that one of our several butlers brought us this morning?