Tasty Whale

Personal experience: I have noticed many hardcore players, but not of any particular nationality. I generally rank 3rd or 4th in the friendly matches, I don’t even bother with ranked.
When it is about 8PM here and noon there in Japan in the middle of a workweek day (Japan is ahead one day), I’m like “whaaaat?” when I

I repeat, I need a Slowpoke bong.
This is close

I concur, ate carp at a hotspring retreat in Japan. It was described as delicacy.

“I am the Great Cornholio!"

4th fiscal where I’m at is like April to June 30th. No idea why, probably so that holiday sales are in the middle instead of the end. (I see that many/most fiscals follow the Q1 being January-March etc)

Retro game stores are big business. Freaking GameStop started rebuying/selling old consoles again. Even if they are catering to 5% of gamers (number out my ass) that hyperbole wasn’t accurate.

Does this mean my xXx420NoobscopexXx jersey I bought won’t be useful in the next few seasons??

I believe one of the portraits in Quantum Conundrum was of the company founder/president/ceo or some such.

All my money! STOP ALL MY MONEY!!!!

*buys tonnes of crap*

All my money! STOP ALL MY MONEY!!!!

*buys tonnes of crap*

Maybe this is just pro bi-racial babies. DO THE HONKYS! INCREASE THE POPULATION!

I kept my copy installed this whole time.
I’d just bought and played through it right before it was taken off the marketplace!
Ok game, could have been worse. Funny at least.

I'm almost positive I recently read these were canon already. Cannon? These are in the official lore.

Your analysis was impressive, though I have no idea what you are talking about. I agree with that video, entertaining!

I'm not super hip to Star Wars canon these days, was the Clone Wars cartoon already classified as "true lore" or did Disney just make these characters true lore? Or did they just print money?

And people say comedy games don't exist anymore!

I hate Treetrunks, She creeps me out and is perhaps the worst thing in the Land of Ooo.

Our generations Footloose is being written with this story...

I'm sure there is slashfiction of that exact scenario.