Tasty Whale

Enemy Zero for Sega Saturn had purely INVISIBLE enemies.


It wasn’t... But I could smash that, the TV, or the controller. I chose the least expensive (and nope, not the controller, these have gotten resilient!)

I was on Normal. I could not bring myself to go down to easy!

“Reverse-Lag” was the joke at a friendly fighter tourney I went to.

Your “It’s just a game” reminded me of my own embarrassing ragequit, I had to mantra that for a bit. (Catherine, one of the end levels, bent a tablet in half I was using for gameplay tips)

Sure I’ve tossed controllers around, slammed them down etc. Usually they don’t break!

Embarrassing Ragequit: I was using a cheap tablet (like, $100?) to watch how to get past one of the last parts in Catherine on YouTube.

A poem about

You just won a shop-contest that wasn't even started.

AMERICA, FUCK YEAH!!!.... Wait what?

God I love Japan.

Well, they weren't going to be on BlackBerry...

Android and iOS I presume?
(no links at this time, wasn't specified in the article)

“Duck Only” servers incoming.

*the above was a joke, as this is obviously an optional tweak to your own visuals*

This must have changed. 7+ years ago they didn’t let you use your own account etc.
Why would they let you use your personal account? That makes no sense...

This must have changed. 7+ years ago they didn’t let you use your own account etc.
Why would they let you use your personal account? That makes no sense...

But he used BOLD!

I’m a bit confused. the VMC temps were using their own Xbox Live accounts and systems for work purposes?

When I did trench work in Xbox it was all dev kits provided by Microsoft, in Microsoft buildings, behind Microsoft walls. This could have changed, but I don't see how or why they'd greenlight public accounts for

I think it was in the Uno or the poker game (Texas Hold'em, not the WSOP) they had with an Arcade Unplugged download card... At least that is where I unlocked it.
A friend HATED the icon, so I kept if for several years.

At 13:58 he says he never saw the film.

I'm surprised by that. Maybe he was just designing the gameplay, not writing or doing art. Those two fields would need the background, I suppose just gameplay mechanics wouldn't...

Your icon was my icon for years.