You might not think you need a non-contact thermometer in your tool box, but they're a ton of fun to mess around with, and can come in handy for everything from cooking to home energy savings.
You might not think you need a non-contact thermometer in your tool box, but they're a ton of fun to mess around with, and can come in handy for everything from cooking to home energy savings.
Holy crap the comments are negative this morning.
Good on this guy for doing something unique he set out to do!
I got my 1 year to PS+ in late 2013 when it was on sale. I assumed it would be a yearly sale, similar to Xbox Live.... but nope, no big sales on it since then...
I understand that PS+ is required for online play on PS4, but what about this game for PSVita or PS3?
I let my PS+ lapse because... yeah Destiny yeah...
Same here, I'm looking for the answer if I can play it on Vita without PS+...
Day 1 eye-patch.
I knew shit got serious when TANK! started playing...
Other than the two restarts, were there any other ways to optimize? Anything that was RNG that could have gone better?
I'm watching it now, but am definitely not an expert.
Take one of the sex/nudity mods, slap it with this, and BAMN you have the Pirates adult film.
I'm not super knowledgeable, what animal does Batman befriend? Bats? Catwoman?
Good point. Though to minimize that risk I just bought all the items ASAP in case I died. I only died once, right at the start... It was tallied at the end.
The number of airquotes used in that for emphasis is appaling.
Catching these two threads next to each other gave me a laugh:… "For a game with a target demo of 10-year olds, people sure are holier-than-thou regarding hacking Pokemon."… "If there's one game that deserves elitism, it's…
This is what that dude looked like for the vast majority of his development:
"Both games featured biracial black main characters, Riddick and Torque, who were prisoners."
I never though of Riddick as being anything but Furyan. I guess the actor Vin Diesel is "ambiguous ethnicity" as he put it (wiki quote).
Now I'm thinking about space ethnicities. Lando Calrissian, only black man in space…
Just finished "The Martian" by Andy Weir, gonna start reading "From the Dust Returned" by Ray Bradbury.