Tasty Whale

You gave me a serious answer, and I say thank you.

Explanation: What I was joking about is how it is at the bottom of the landscaped map instead of being held at the top. I was trying to make a joke like "who would make a unique clipboard so the clip is at the bottom??" instead of just assuming it was a normal

If I interpreted that right, that is the crudest emoticon I've ever seen. BRAVO!

Oddly enough, Xmas trees. A family (?) farm in the Pacific North West would sell thousands to a Chinese mall/redistributor. They all got stuck in this mess, leaving the bill with the farm. http://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong…

I may have fallen for that or something similar. *squints*

Can you ban asshole totoros, or does it matter because they'll just come out from some other network bridge?

(.) (.)

"Not everyone has enormous boobs. I don't, for example."
My life is a lie!

I'm by no means an artist, but isn't that clip supposed to told the paper from the top?

While that is true, you can go find a dozen Minecraft clones that look almost exactly the same, or "Xombies v Vegitables" or some other misspelling that literally uses the exact same sprites and is a knock off.

My question is about those.


Any explanation for why The Incredibles didn't have it? Just... missed out before they knew it was something they wanted to easter-egg in?

Legitimately didn't recognize it, I only knew that Mr Groening had lots of Simpsons knock-offs and that he might have finally gotten tired of it and lawyered up. Cool guy, awesome that he lampooned it with the Portlandia people!

Ahh thank you! I've watched Portlandia but not the whole series. I thought the guy on the left looked like a douchey-hipster Fred Armisen!

Why do legitimate non-cloney games get attacked with litigation, while games that flood the phone/mobile market use the exact same graphics/fonts and slight plays on the title but still make it past the marketplace?
Is it because the crapclones don't bother with any trademark etc and therefore aren't noticed? Why

Good screenshot, but I don't know what it is from. Please tell me more!

This is what I was expecting from the first one. It was so very... scripted. Grab thing and do thing to person! This looks like there are a lot more options, even if the people are SIMs stupid.

I've had a used Nes (when SNES was new) that had issues, which my mom sent in and was fixed. Those pins were evil!
Everything else from Nintendo has been great in my experience (I didn't have the Wii disc read error, and have owned most Nintendo hardware).

I've had a used Nes (when SNES was new) that had issues, which my mom sent in and was fixed. Those pins were evil!

I like the analogy!

I got a big ole' hate circlejerk from my equivalent comment. I come (pun!) here to give you a love circlejerk for having the same opinion. *highfive*