Ain Al (アインアル) – Final Fantasy
Ain Al (アインアル) – Final Fantasy
Great thing about Kickstarter: You don't have to back it. If this comes out and has fine reviews, buy it at retail price.
If you back it now, and it is a fake, well, you get nothing.
(and I'm a kickstartaholic)
La Roux!
Buy two, break your left hand to fit it in there (or chop off both hands), and you have cosplay!!
Buy two, break your left hand to fit it in there (or chop off both hands), and you have cosplay!!
Mmmmm 'dem curves.
This article was much more intriguing when I read the headline as "New Transformers Co-op Arcade Shower".
Oh man, some people would be like "Why are we broadcasting the murders in Afgandiztan?" (spelling it wrong hurt me)
I have never played WOW (I played some Warcraft 1 or 2...) but this video really shows how deep the gamelore goes. Entertaining even if you aren't into WOW.
I renamed Vivi in FF9. I fucking hated myself and was glad when my save died and I had to restart. (I didn't know about the renaming card/item until later, but still needed to play through it "pure").
Not to put too fine a point on it, but Blade & Soul is blessedly free of modern anime’s most common clichés. There is no high school setting. No teenage heroes. No endless will-they-won’t-they romance. No moé-invoking characters. No harems. No tsundere, dandere, kuudere, or yandere. If you have been searching for an…
This is a series I want to dip my toe in. When does the next one come out in US? (what system etc)
Only! To mark the 60th anniversary of Godzilla and the new Hollywood flick, Tokyo jeweller Ginza Tanaka is offering this solid gold 'Zilla.
Ditto AKA "I get used as a sex bot to churn out high EV-potential pokemon"
(ok I don't actually EV train... or even train.... I think my pokemon are dead, they work like Tomagatchi right?_
Sigh, I was just arguing that DeathBySmiley was complaining that this was "saving for emergency usage" when clearly Larry was just sitting there, waiting to use it to dash someones hopes (which is a jerk move, albeit perfectly within their right).
The heart tail!!! I saw that but wasn't sure.
Because the preview images shows the Pikachus, but there isn't a screencap in the article...