Tasty Whale

The explanation is that the original Japanese version had yellow cheeks. But Wizards of the Coast changed the US release to a red cheek to be more iconic/recognizable. Then they republished it with yellow soon after (still technically 1st edition, I think).
http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pikachu_(…) Red

WOAH STOP. Videogames and learning need to stay separate. I can't enjoy learning! That sounds horrible and against the true meaning of videogames being a mindless distraction.

*/heavy sarcasm

"Just kill me."

Sorry, I was trying to reference the school yard trading days, where kids would prize one printing over the other.

Did you not see what Larry did there? He sat and waited for 2nd place to come up, then just blasted him, then strolled across the finish line. That is a massive tease. (and totally within their rights, they could have screwed up and gotten 2nd or worse)
The other examples are just using the horn at the last minute

Simplistic are the only ones I can enter. I looked at this one and was like "Nope, let shop-pro's do their thing".

Oooooh, that was clever of you.

Deathstare Luigi go go go go.... And I see two already.

Try ORIGIN: Dinosaur Horde for that fix.

Yellow or Red Cheeks?

Being injured and slightly chubby means I get dregs of work in Wrestling now and can't fund my gaming habits because the money I do make gets spent on drugs of all kind

Tasty Whale: for reminding me about Fake Gamer of the Week. *sniff*

Tasty Whale: for reminding me about Fake Gamer of the Week. *sniff*

Oh thank you.

Love your icon, was mine on Live for a few years.

And Halo talk, to stay on subject. Halo Halo Halo.

They call out Halo 2 and Halo 2 Anniversary as different games in multiplayer, can anyone explain? (around 6:40)

Goddamn, I put out an overused meme and get 9 recommendations. But my gorgeous cat in the gamer-cat thread gets like 2. T_T The internet is fickle.

Skipping leg day, there soldier?

I played with Lego's a lot as a kid... and I now recall some Shell vehicles I had (for some reason they were cool).
I'm not positive I'm ok with the ingrained advertising in children's toys, be it oil or fastfood.

And this was a surprisingly good video!