
It can be. Not all fencing is Olympic style. The Society for Creative Anachronism fences in the round and regularly fights melees.

I was.

The woman in the article said on Facebook that’s she’d filed a grievance with the union, and that her union rep sits right next to her and is watching the whole thing go down.

*sigh* Star Trek TOS, “Mirror, Mirror”. Our heroes end up in a mirror universe where the people are harsher than back home and Evil!Spock has a goatee.

Not all people who cover their hair for religious reasons are Muslim, and not all headcoverings are hijabs. I have a friend who covers her hair for modesty based on her religion, and she is Greek Orthodox. She wears headscarves very much like the one pictured above.

Oh, no argument! My college roommate junior year was an EE, and I don’t know how she did it. I couldn’t even work her calculator.

I was gonna say... either way, he’s smarter than me!

Electrical, not chemical, if Wikipedia is to be believed.

That is creepy beyond belief.

4, 8, 15, 16, 23 and 42 are the numbers from Lost.

That’s called a flail. I have one hanging on a post in the living room. It belonged to my late husband, and I still have it because seriously, how do you get rid of shit like that? I had a guy in to take out an old TV that I couldn’t move, and he wanted to swing it around and it bit his thumb. I tried to tell him that

The wine charms make more sense than towel charms, though. You can always write your name on the red Solo cup. People get miffed when you try that shit on the Baccarat crystal.

Yes, well, not Jewish, so there was none of that community mourning thing. The Edible Arrangement was very thoughtful, but I just wasn’t in a good place to cope with *things* being thrust upon me, you know? It was all I could do to shower and put on clean underwear; the last thing I wanted to do was deal with a thing

I’d rather get commercial food. I’m picky, and it’s easier to blame the company for shitty food than one’s friend. (I told people not to bring me food when my husband died. I could not have coped if something that looked delicious turned out to taste like crap to me, and I just wasn’t willing to take the risk.)

I got one when my husband died. I was adamant about not wanting flowers, and I appreciated the gesture, but it was HUGE. It was just me. It took me FOREVER to eat that much fruit, and I was not with it enough to grasp the idea of taking it apart before refrigerating. So weird.

What a dick. I am so sorry that happened to you.

re: studio... DO IT. There is nothing like a dedicated space for making your messes. All the cleaning and tossing of things is because I wanted a bigger sewing room, and now it looks like I won’t just be repurposing the dining room, but the parlor as well, for my nefarious fiber arts schemes. I can do that because I’m

“Big” and “interesting” are relative things, though. I know for a fact that I have done very different things than my high school classmates. Many of them have led what I would call a big and interesting life, and you know what? I would have HAAAAAATED it. But I have done things that mattered in the communities I

If this sounds harsh, I’m sorry, but... does it matter? You aren’t going to be that person. Maybe on some alternate timeline you are, and maybe that person is happy and maybe they’re a miserable bitch. But they are not you, not right here and right now. All you can do is the best you can with what you have in front of
