You can’t “steal” a QBing job. You win it through hard work. It’s not like it’s a crab leg.
You can’t “steal” a QBing job. You win it through hard work. It’s not like it’s a crab leg.
Droideka? Looks more like a Firespray to me.
Between Mary Jo’s fastball and the Pennsylvania grand jury report, that’s going to be a lot of retired priests.
Why do I feel you’ve had to ask this question before in a different context?
I dunno, they guy has a point. Free weight areas at the gym are notoriously the territory of strict Buddhist practitioners who have spent years meditating to eliminate the Anatta, or conception of self contained in the ego.
I don’t know when else I’m gonna be able to tell this story, so I’ll latch onto the super-tenuous connection here and brag about this now.
To me, Damon’s type is ‘just another guy who tried to use the “as a father of daughters”’ excuse when confronted with his supposed ignorance and do-nothing-ism in the face of the monster of Harvey Weinstein.
The best part of this joke is all the people who don’t get this joke.
The genius of this reply is lost on some people.
Why do I want spam going to my voice mail?
Yeah, this is all fun and games and meme and lulz and feels. For now.
But let’s say it does in fact “come home” and England becomes a feel-good story. “Wow, they haven’t won in over 50 years not to mention all the heartache and disappointment along the way, good on them!” they’ll say, and then more memes will arise for…
Blacks had 200 wypipo-free years to get their shit together in Haiti. The absence of whites should have been a blessing to them. Instead all it proves is that blacks are completely incapable of upholding white standards of civilization in the absence of whites, and instead inevitably revert to the “African mean”. …
“Let me just get in a Trump/MAGA comment on this completely unrelated topic.”
Fuckin’ facial recognition... how does it work?
Remember folks, doxxing is bad unless it’s done against people you disagree with.
I’ll bite. Patriots, Steelers, or Chiefs.
“He .... has been wearing a soft cast.”
Congratulations to the new leader, QWOP.
Agreed. Par for the course at that time would have been to fire him. If Rogers were truly homophobic, he would have and no one would have batted an eye.
But still, it illustrates the finite nature of Mr. Rogers’s ideals. “I like you just the way you are,” he often said, but in the case of Clemmons there was a caveat: “...I just need you to show less of the way you are.” This information through the lens of contemporary culture, in which an employer legislating what…