
^^^ THIS is what it means to be “Christian”. Not that bullshit warped thing that American religion has become which is really just a sad excuse for bigotry and hatred.

Well, I think it’s specifically interesting you mention that example, because 50's nostalgia in the 70's/80's has a lot in common with 80's nostalgia today: the historical memory of those periods are centered around stability, conservatism, and economic prosperity. (Sorry for this essay.)

“Hey, it’s the captain of the Enterprise-B!”

He’ll be another George Zimmerman. Watch.

Yep on many counts. You can never tell what’s in another person’s marriage, and put that marriage on TV and that’s a big “no way.” From what little I can tell, from my occasional viewing, they seem to like each other. Yes, they’re doing a shtick for TV because that’s what you do, but their body language and

I’m trying to wrap my head around the sight of Prince and Sinead O’Connor involved in a foot chase through L.A. in the middle of the night and NOT have “Yakety Sax” play in my head when I do.

Even if it’s true that rural Missourians don’t support the Medicaid expansion, who cares? A majority of voters in the state do.

Just to be clear, there’s a big difference between rural Missouri and St. Louis, Kansas City and Springfield, Missouri (although Springfield is close enough to Branson to be really iffy). After any election, they are the three spots of blue floating in a sea of blood red.

I am similarly reminded of a different quote.  When Kenneth Lay, evil overlord of Enron, died, Henry Rollins quipped:  “Good.  Stay dead, motherfucker.”

I’m glad to hear lung cancer has won its battle with Rush Limbaugh.

Has Trump tweeted about it?  OH WAIT!  I BET HE HASN’T!

Folks on Twitter putting it better than I could.

More like the Divided Methodist Church, amirite?

Why is everything white?

I’m not sure I’d want to see Intergluteal Cleft opening for anyone.

I’m not sure I’d want to see Intergluteal Cleft opening for anyone.