
Re: the underwear scene in Alien. I read somewhere that Sigourney Weaver was originally given a pair of panties that actually fit correctly, but someone (not sure if it was Ridley Scott, a producer, or Weaver herself) felt it looked more “futuristic” if the panties were two sizes too small.

It looks like Inside Out’s design aesthetic mixed with Zootopia’s story.

Trump turning on those who supported him??? WHAAAAAAA----???

I remember an interview with Nicholas Hammond, talking about when he starred in CBS’ Amazing Spider-Man back in the 1970s. He said he tried to be in costume when it came to acting against co-stars or guests; he felt it was disingenuous to leave the dramatic stuff to a stuntman or ignore his fellow actors.

I cannot wait to see how Dwayne Johnson addresses his F&F journey in the next season of Young Rock.

Please tell me he was binging Yellowstone during all this. I need to hear that.

Maybe they can team up with Tom Cruise for a Furious / Mission: Impossible combined sendoff?

It feels too early to celebrate. There’s a trap in here somewhere, I know it.

Don’t sweat it, Elon. It happens to a lot of guys.

For some reason, this makes me think of all the baseball games I’ve been to where the two drunk guys seated behind me are baseball experts who know exactly what our team needs to do to win this game and then the World Series in perpetuity. Same energy.

How did Nicole Kidman get into his sweaty underwear??

One of the running jokes in KC right now is “Please let the worst thing about Patrick Mahomes be that he likes ketchup on his steak!”


How awful to know so much of your childhood trauma was broadcast for the entire world to see.

I wonder if they will mention the Kardashian family motto. “Look at me. Look at me! LOOK AT MEEEEEEEE!!!!”

I guarantee you, next year they will have Will Smith and Chris Rock presenting an Oscar together to show all is forgiven and forgotten.

And here I was sympathizing with her through the whole Kanye divorce situation... and now she says something like this.

Dammit. Now I have sympathy for Kim freakin’ Kardashian.

Since Jake Gyllenhaal does commercials for Prada...