
Best wishes to all the Kotaku staffers just fired.

Does the dog know his name is Pretzelcoatl?


Coinflip on whether they turn the lights out before it hits or not.

I, also, have enjoyed the company of pyramid puppies at Teotihuacán and may I just say: they sure are fucking adorable.

dying to know who the Interim-Interim-editor-in-chief is

There’s no such thing as a bad dog, just shitty private equity dickbags. 

I was there in April of this year. That dog from the pyramids has a name and it is Preztelcoatl. But you are correct that it is indeed a good dog.

Aw man, this is making me miss the good Gawker Blog; Dog, all over again.

In the interest of journalistic integrity and the spirit of representing Both Sides, I’d like to see an article asking these dogs what they think of Tom Ley.

No one told me that there would be dogs at Teotihuacán and then when I saw dogs there (puppies, even!) I did very little else there but follow those scamps about. Thank the gods of the moon and the sun.

You know, if you resurrect Foodspin, you could Stick to Sprouts.

The real question is whether a dog named Abu Barker al-Baghdadi would be a good dog? I think so.

I am extremely interested in this afternoon’s Funbag.

When Mexico sends its dogs, they’re not sending their best. Their best dogs are clearly still in Mexico.”

The Deadspin commentariat (who, by the way, universally loathe humanoid dough-sack Jim Spanfeller) demand it!

Yes please bring back bear Fridays or whatever they used to call it.

One Bad Dog I Met

Those are Very Good Boys and Girls. This is excellent Content, but I think it might be better with less sports?

This is the quality content I’m (genuinely) looking for. Let’s be real, the only time I read a sports story  is when you guys shit on the Browns because I feel validated as a disgruntled fan.