
Except they never said the NES mini was going to be limited edition UNTIL AFTER they promised to get more systems out there.

Doesn’t justify illegal methods.

Because it shipped unfinished, so no DLC means that it will forever remain unfinished. Ideally games would be finished and have no DLC, but the expectation of finishing games with the DLC means that if the game doesn’t do well, it won’t be finished.

it makes more sense a move from Terry from KOF/Fatal Fury.

Depends how they played it, if they did stuff they normally wouldn’t do or even want to do, then they wasted their time. Think of the players trying to get 10 consecutive double KOs without dealing or receiving damage to Bison in SF2 or all the crap from the review Aeris hoax or the Sonic and Tails in Smash melee. I


I think the response he was looking for was:

Despite being only a videogame company (as opposed to Sony and MS), they do have vast cash reserves, so I doubt that’s the issue, it’s probably the fact that Apple and other mobile hardware makers are using the same components what is slowing down the switch manufacturing.

The fact that they decided to stop making good games and instead experimented with bad ones.

The lying guy?, I prefer the derpy faces the black haired bitch made (loved seeing her expressions in the manga). Plus her character was insanely good (as in extremely realistic representation of a shitty person who knows she is shitty but can’t stop herself).

That it makes you cry

It goes on a little too long, but it handles Kawaii and the red head guy better. Plus it’s a lot easier to follow than the beginning of the movie.

Looks androgynous AND moe, don’t like it.

Popplio evolves naturally, so it’s best self is the one that doesn’t require preventing evolution via a stone or pressing b.

You would think that Cecilia would be in favor of changing into your true/best self.

Not many football players wear glasses, he can because of a medical condition, also they are orange AND Riot admitted to base the likeness of the skin on him.

Even if you don’t account for inflation, that’s not a good number when compared to the 84 ones.

However it is a step that had to be taken BEFORE SELLING THE GAME.

Well, it is japan, so 1 million yen if they were used and unwashed.