
While I would never mistake this doll for an actual human being. The texture and lighting makes him look way more real than Rogue One Tarkin (helped by the fact that it is a physical real thing as opposed to a 3D model).

Guessing you mean retail games as downloads, but they debut even higher, however I do see some get some deeper discounts (frozen/bighero6 are often on sale on the eshop).

Nintendo is a business, a “show of good faith” is great for you but frankly what does it gain them? Good faith or no, their systems and games are still selling.

The manufacturing costs of proprietary flash memory chips is still higher than disc. So that is why Switch and 3DS games cost more to manufacture than your standard disc game.

I’m not saying they should be selling them, but licensing the schematics would be a show of good faith to demonstrate that support for Nintendo products does not end the moment the next product comes out. (even if the nes classic proved that’s not the case)

Last time I checked they did the NES classic, Hanafuda cards, and continued productions Famicom consoles until 2003 and repair them until 2007.

So it’s not available without having to purchase the game again?

So it’s not available without having to purchase the game again?

Manufacturing costs?

But it should, also if they aren’t making the cables, then let others make them, license the tech or release the schematics.

“Everyone should fucking panic, there’s a lunatic with missiles capable of hitting much of the United States...and North Korea is pretty bad too.”

Or my FUCKING BANK, it changed without warning I thought I was typing it wrong, but wasn’t, now it limits to 10 characters and I had to change my password because it wouldn’t accept it (I had to change the html to type all the characters and it still din’t like it).

I think most people have PCs.

Correct, my argument is just that those 3 being so similar (x86) brings in a potentially better return of investment over hitting bigger numbers (which replacing bone with 3DS may bring).

PS4/Xbone/3DS owners probably own a PC capable of playing PS1/PS2/Wii VC level games. It’s about who buys what and where do they buy it on.

By your logic no game should ever release on 3DS because of overlap. Pretty sure that PS4/Xbone/PC have way more overlap than PS4/3DS/PC, not just because of the high 3DS numbers, but because of the market. The younger audience and the Mega Man fans (which overlap a lot with Nintendo fans) would rather have these

It is also the name of the Dickens character.

I would say that if you replace the xbone with the 3DS you would get a wider margin, but it would be more expensive to develop for x86+3DS over just x86

I’d say 3DS is more widely used than the xbone.

There was already a collection with all the MM and another one with all the MMX games in the PS2, GC and Xbox. That includes Playstation games on the GC.

Real money shouldn’t be involved in “bets” in video-games.