
When i saw those tits i started laughing a proper bellylaugh, holy shit that looks absolutely ridicilous.

I know they exist, but waffl was trying to make Greg the Mad look like some sort of racist, and i got the distinct impression that he thought those vendors are fiction. That sort of behavior really rustles my jimmies.

It's just that vendors with porn and panties actually exist, making it you know, funny? Like a joke?

Yes, i agree. If they had gone for that they could have created a great game without having to sink nearly so much resources into it. I don't know about this. It could be enjoyable if it's ever made, but i am being cautiously hopeful.

That would be pretty great. I would pay an extra 10 bucks for that special season-collection.

Its a dickgirl that likes girls.

His comments make him sound clueless about Steam and PC-gaming though, the author is absolutely right. Don't be butthurt.

You could play one of the roleplaying games, those are actuallly pretty good. Dark Heresy, Rogue Trader, Deathwatch, and most relevant of all, the upcoming Only War. The concept is that you can make your own imperial guard unit and play as soldiers from it. All you need is some dice and some friends and you are all

Well, it's possible to have two thoughts in the head at the same time, and for instance appreciate great action and fun, fast-paced shooting while at the same time disliking a lazy and schlocky story.

Wow, talk about interpreting everything in the worst possible way.

Heroes that are good at everything sucks. I don't mind because she is a girl, i just mind because i don't think it will be any good. The characters flaws are what make them interesting, seeing them navigate through situations where they are over their heads and dont really know whats they are doing is what makes us

Hah! Whadda schmuck!

Sure, lots of human beings are "worthy" of my care. Just not Julianne Hough, she is well off and clearly enjoys her career enough to keep doing it. If she wants to put the spotlight on abuse in some way that's great, but being super-vague about being abused doesn't really qualify. I'm not saying fuck J-Hough, i'm just

I am thrilled to hear it, as i am sure Julianne Hough will be thrilled when she reads the comments you wonderful gals left about her.

That certainly is one possible conclusion.

Not really any of your beeswax, but i send some money to a charity that builds wells once a month. I would not have cared even if there were no starving children anywhere though..

Females don't have manes. Commercials need to be quick, short and easily digested by the viewers. Using a male was the smart thing to do, because it makes it very clear that it is a lion we are looking at. Y'all are overanalyzing this.

I dunno. There's kids starving in africa so i don't really care..