
I actually said "fuck you" out loud when i read that comment.

" His third alt-history movie, Killer Crow, tells the story of African American soldiers during World War II who go on a crazy rampage and kill every white person in sight."

Oh ok, so pandering to women in movies is ok? But only women right?

Boy, you must be a blast to bring out on town.

I don't get it.

Well, i could, if he hadn't been white.

Am i the only one who sees a penis? Look at that thing, it's huge!

Right. So while not perfect, PC Gaming is superior.

Thought-provoking and a good read, thanks.

That was a surprisingly good movie.

I agree, the only thing i really got out of this was "wow, your friends must suck".

Those of you who blame that on developement costs and inflation are bullshitting yourselves. They charge what people are willing to pay for it, sheesh, these people pay for the CDs from China by the pound. How else do you explain having to pay almost the exact same amount for games online? This isn't exactly secret.

Gibe mone pls.

Can i come and fuck where you work? Would that be cool?

Because nobody gives a rats ass about that stuff? The issue is the woman who killed herself and whether the morally dubious practice of two radio personalities is to blame? Honestly, if noone had died most of us would never have heard about this. It wasn't a big deal until someone died, why do we have to boo the other

People are just different, i read the the book for the first time when i was 10 years old, and i thought it was the best thing ever. My mother never got through Bilbos birthday party. Peoples minds work in different ways, and that's just how it is. I get how some people find all the details tedious and stuff, but i

No no no, bullying is not a thing you do to someone or is done to you once, it's something that is done repeatedly. You are taking away some of the gravity of bullying by saying these things. Please stop. They are not the exact same thing.

Racism! Racism everywhere! How can we sleep at night when our society is so racist? Grow the hell up.

NO. It's just fun as hell. For most people it's no more complicated than that. There's plenty of research on it, but why not try it yourself if you haven't already?