
The problem with star wars was NOT the fans expectations, the problem with the prequels was, and will always be that they are fucking terrible. The hobbit was not perfect, but don't compare it to star wars 1-3. sheeeit.

I'll consult my star wars encyclopedia right away.

Interesting article, thanks for educating me.

Thank you, for being so incredibly easy to troll. Peasant.

I have never heard of a PS3 or a 360 surviving four years. I'm not going to argue this with you further though, we of the PC-masterrace do not stoop.

"how are you going to treat attractive women you meet if you basically look at them and immediately undress them?" How would masturbating bring about this behavior and mindset? It's just jacking off, it's no big deal. It's like playing video games, but better excersise.

Wait, do you doubt that bears can smell blood?

Feeling a little inferior, dirty console gaming peasant?

That's just incorrect, you can build a pc for about 500 that will beat the shit out of any console, and keeping it at the the head of the pack is a small investment every four years or so. What you said about running games better in 6 years is just trolling. You are trying to bait the PC-masterrace. Well, we shall not

I understand that, but Williams has won 15 grand slam titles, made jokes about finding a bikini in her size in Brazil and uses the hashtag #bigbuttproblems. She has every reason to feel confident and secure about her body and is signalling to the world that she is. Also, i don't know how much tennis you watch, but

Well brother, you are sure missing out of a lot of fun for some reason.

Derp, i meant Caroline Wozniacki ofcourse.

No need to be so hostile, i was simply trying to point out that assuming what Serena does and does not find okay is fairly moot since we are no her. So all the pearl-clutching is just a waste of calories since we can't know anything about it. And this really isn't so bad. It's not like Sharapova strutted out in

"This is Fuck You Week, Jezebel's first annual week of desperate emotional cleansing and unhinged psychic purging."

Well, my friends do. So i guess we have established that both behaviors are possible.

It depends on how you view talent i guess. Everyone is talented in something, but being talented at being a producer? come on. It's still a pretty dickish thing to say though, and i certainly don't agree that women somehow are less talented in general. If anything such differences are caused a difference in interest.

Well it's a game for smartphones. So having graphics that can almost match what you can squeeze out of a xbox 360 if you are a gamer it's pretty impressive. Unless you belong to the pc-gaming masterrace.

Oh hell, if i'm going to go THERE i might as well save the bandwhith and use my imagination.

Exposing yourself to native speakers and popular culture is pretty much golden. When learning english i played MMOs and watched the simpsons. When learning german i listened to Rammstein and read german books, i also put on german subtitles whenever i was playing a game that had them. While learning russian i drank

It's a star wars thing. You wouldn't get it.