

How do these releases of old games work with Trophies? Like with the NeoGeo games that recently game out. Thanks to those who know!

Well played Assassin's Creed: Project Legacy.

Have you ever tried one of these toys?

@Zinger314: Not necessarily keyboard controls, just his. Just reverse the jump and shoot buttons and you've got how I play all of my emulator games.

You know those little plastic trigger clip-on things for the DualShock 3 that you see at the checkout counter at GameStop? They are like 5 bucks for an ounce of plastic. Totally lame.

I just got a plug 'n play Atari 2600. Looks just like the real thing with the wood paneling and all.

I bought SMB on Sunday. Microsoft's sale went up on Tuesday, 33% off.

My girlfriend just totaled her car. Advice? What do I do...

Is that....one of the guards from Disney's Robin Hood?

Unreal on Android?

Hmm...now I have to seriously consider getting this game for PS3 or 360...

My last day of my internship is tomorrow, and I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to break (before I got back to school in January). I'm just gonna play games as much as possible.

I present to you, the hardest game on the internet.

@davidgreen360: I asked my buddy who works at Sony, and he gave me a specific answer.

Fuck you Namco Bandai. I'm not even going to get my hopes up for this one. I just got a 360 so I'll FINALLY be able to play Vesperia because that's probably the last Tales game that I'll ever play. Not because I'm boycotting them or anything, but because there never will be another one outside of Japan.

@wohdin: Don't get your hopes up.

There is one way and ONLY one way to kill Chewbacca.

Did not expect that ending at all.