
@Hongo: I got that too, but it wasn't in my junk mail. I'd say it's pretty legit considering it doesn't have you give up anymore personal information and you don't HAVE to click any links within that email for the info. That's a serious PSA.

Your Shape: Fitness Evolved is on sale on amazon for ten dollars off. Especially after it's okay reception here on Kotaku... [kotaku.com]

I tried to look for some sort of link to reference that "Joy of Painting" video game that was announced back in 2006 for Wii, but nothing really concrete.

I don't feel that there is much I can say here right now. Nothing that no one else has already asked. I've strangely been hearing a lot of animosity toward Kotaku lately (even from my own friends) and I think it's rather unwarranted. But oh well. Whatever ends up happening, I don't plan on leaving this site.

I have to tell you...I think this game is more interesting than most I've seen in a long time. When does it come out again? I'm seriously considering picking it up.

@Dayvie: While I'm not familiar with it, the consensus across the internet is that the PS3 version of the game was SEVERELY gimped, and the PC version had major issues as well. Almost as if Activision planned it all.....

RIP Homestarrunner.com

@Juan29.zapata: Yup. I won the whole contest so I got that, as well as a complete home theater system with television, surround sound, speakers, and GoW Ultimate Edition. The second place guy just got the console. The other one was given away in a random Gamestop contest.

@drmartintsai: I believe so. The red eyes of the Helghast were painted on this KZ3 PS3 so I imagine it'd be the same way.

@zeenit: Nope...not that one... I didn't go to the party. I'm not anywhere near NYC. Wish I could have gone.

@Terry Vongsouthi: No, it was from a reality show on SpikeTV & Sony for the God of War III launch. It wasn't from Kotaku. There were only 3 of those playstations made.

I don't know Totilo, I really like my God of War III PS3.

@rathorial: Good points all around. We're at the crux right now of a technological breakthrough. Will it break the barrier or never take off. The next year will be a big test.

As much as I hate that movie, I think this game really has the potential to be 3D Gaming's Avatar.

Tim Curry is the best pirate EVER. #muppets

How funny I just thought yesterday that I wanted to get rid of my Balance Board. There really is no point to keeping it anymore. I never picked up Punch-Out!! and just recently got EA Sports Active 2 (to review, I swear). So...yeah...I rarely play my Wii anymore and use Wii Fit even less. Sorry Wii....it's such a

If I'm not mistaken, Ash has done everything he can within his power to be captured on video as little as possible. He'll weasel his way out of this.

Shit....now I have to go play FF8. I think when I played it I just...turned into Laguna and his gang but never really understood why. It just happened. No I'm curious again.