
The title and the picture work so well together. Douglas would be proud.

@AgentSmithAndWeston: Mirror's Edge was not nearly as bad as Braid. That game, you can be 40 minutes along and then mess up once, and not meet the 45 minute mark. That's what frustrates me the most. The six to eight minute levels were frustrating, but seemed possible regardless of how many times you messed up.

Just got the Mirror's Edge Platinum last night. I picked it up earlier this year, played through it, and put it on the back burner. I pretty much beat the game and that was it.

While I think she was a little annoying at her first E3, she really was a great face for the company. While certain types of gamers have moved on to different consoles, she's done GREAT for the new demographic that Nintendo has brought in.

I'm so glad that you found this. I saw it this morning and tweeted it to Crecente, but I don't even care WHO put it up.

@Roth: That's just the translated title of the Japanese game. It hasn't even been announced for a Western release yet. It's a cultural thing, perhaps the Japanese will like Furi! Furi! in the title. I bet they don't even HAVE KB over there.

@John-Hamptonshire: Did you see ALL the stuff that they put in MGS Peace Walker? They generic-ized it for the western release, but it was pretty unbelievable the stuff that they did in that game.

@MisterSensation: I just went the simple route and for a PS/2-to-Gamecube adapter. Plugged my keyboard straight into a controller port!

As one of the fifteen people who actually owned the GameCube network adapter and actually played this game online, I am SUPER excited for this game.

Picked up my Move and Sports Bundle this morning, but I'm at work now.

I want to make some sort of David Caruso joke about how this game will be an "epic," like in film or literature...but I just can't think of one. Fail.....

@dnadns: They have CONFIRMED that on the Blog, you don't need to "preorder" if you have the PSPgo. All you have to do is purchase the store within the first week of its digital release and a code will be sent to the email on your account.

@Brian Crecente: YES! I've been wanting to comment on these little notes and I can't even link to them. AWESOME.

If Capcom purchased Mortal Kombat, we'd finally get the MK vs Street Fighter matchup that fans have been calling for since their inception.

Oh god....

@icarus212001: Exactly. I'm an admitted PS3 fanboy and don't really like Halo games that much, but I won't deny that this is awesome and the Halo universe is really cool.

1080p wallpaper? Is it a cardinal sin if I download this to put on my PS3? :P