@Jorvid: What about White Knight Chronicles, or Star Ocean: The Last Hope International? Grind fests of hundreds of hours...
@Jorvid: What about White Knight Chronicles, or Star Ocean: The Last Hope International? Grind fests of hundreds of hours...
Just got the Platinum trophy for LittleBigPlanet last night.
@rolsenrob: No not at all. Depending on how many he gets, I wonder how many controllers Totilo actually has. If he gets a lot, what's the turnaround rate on them? Does he give certain ones away to friends? Donate them?
Just a question....How often do you get new controllers for releases like this?
So it's like Mega Man Powered Up on an HD Console.
@John-Hamptonshire: I didn't know it was on PC at all, only XBLA and PSN.
@mooted: Small child, large cute monster, Fumito Ueda's style of storytelling. I think that's all ANYONE knows.
What are you looking forward to out of TGS this year? GO!
So THAT'S what that email about the eating, dating, and deodorant habits was about. I remember filling it out and going "Hmm. Weird."
I tried to call but my phone died _<. Honestly, I'm glad that I'm not the only person who hasn't beat Peace Walker yet. I'm trying to go through with Zero kills but it's getting so frustrating. My tranquilizer pistol, stun gun, and Fulton Recovery are leveled INCREDIBLY HIGH, but I've hardly used the heavier weapons…
Man....Dude Huge definitely doesn't look so...huge next to that guy.
He went out for the sole purpose of finding you??
This game looks incredible. It stays within the shooter genre enough to be familiar but it looks like it's doing some crazy batshit-insane stuff that make it unique.
I don't care if it hurt. I'd gladly suffer through the pain just to say I actually tried a Virtual Boy. I've never actually seen one in real life before.
"Nub nub" I could have SWORN it was Yub Yub.
Hey Kotaku, i need some help. I'm really really bored at work right now. What are some of your FAVORITE flash games?
Hanging out with my girlfriend and her 13 year old sister this weekend. Her parents are going through a divorce and, while it started off amicably, her mom is being a crazy out of nowhere. So we're taking the sister away with us.