Maybe it really IS Bethesda but they're just turning the other way. Saying "Uhh.....wasn't us....."
Maybe it really IS Bethesda but they're just turning the other way. Saying "Uhh.....wasn't us....."
@ZFK: I really enjoy it. I personally like 3rd person more than First person shooters. I find that games like CoD are just too twitch-action for my taste, as well as the community to be to unforgiving. It's hard to get into the game without having been there from the beginning.
Dammit. I hate multiplayer trophies.
@unfakingbelievable: I know! I mean, I've been using my PS3 to cook with for couple years now. Lemme guess: They've contracted out Ken Kutaragi to come to your house and repo the PSThreeman Grille.
Yeah I just saw this yesterday. Current PS3's won't be able to play the new BDXL technology not because of a firmware issue, like the 3D. It turns out the laser isn't strong enough to go through all the layers....or something like that.
@Komrade Kayce: I can't think of a better way to say it. Thank you. Thank you for saying the words that I didn't even know I felt.
I totally voted for KB to host E3.
Anyone get their copy of Red Faction Guerrilla from the promotion for Darksiders yet? THQ has, quite possibly, the WORST customer service that I have ever experienced. I heard they started coming in but no one ever actually gets back to me — I just constantly get stock emails that were sent out as an automatic…
@Rampage: I fought Hades on TV and won to win a contest ^_^
Jesus this looks crazy. I guess I'm bias though, since I'm a MGS fan. I know a lot of people who just don't like the games.
@archronos: While I do agree with that point, I also know what kinds of games he likes to play. So it wasn't purely based on the novel similarities.
Yup already told my friend about this a few days ago and he bought it right away. Finally. He's a HUGE fan of Atlas Shrugged and I keep telling him to play this.
@ubikblack: At least I'm not the only one who has been waiting this long. I'll keep my eyes out for this to finally arrive.
Update: the YouTube videos have been taken down after a "copyright claim by SEGA Europe. "
"Abolish schools, and bring back tigers."
My only problem is really that they're focusing too much on Sonic's speed. Yeah, he goes fast. We get that. Sonic started like that to show off the Blast Processing on the Genesis. But, there was still platforming and level exploration.
If she actually cared about him, they would have discussed what to do with them. They should have put them into a storage facility or something if she didn't want them in her house.
@Dr. Tobias Funke (analrapist): You can't just copy/paste the link where you look at your trophies. You have to enter your own ID in the gold Get Started box.