
I think the guy that filmed it ought to get a ticket for using his phone while driving.

Also, it’s not snitching if you’re turning in a cop...

He’s allowed to do it, just like anyone else. He’s also allowed to be caught doing it and face the consequences, just like anyone else.

Agreed. This is awesome. I don’t even care what others say. The tone of the article is kinda being judgey but I suppose it has to be so as to not officially condone such a thing. People are waaaay too uptight.


Maybe I’m missing something, but according to the quote that immediately follows, it actually sounds like Van Gundy does think that this rule is unfair and racist.

Yes, but it uses smaller stars.

The crash rating is don’t crash

Open diff FWD econobox makes XXX horsepower because of XXX mod(s) / tuning. What’s new here ? It’s still an Accord that’s priced in a bracket with a lot of sportier cars. I mean why wouldn’t I think of buying a Golf GTI, WRX, Focus ST or many others, especially in the used car market ? Also, reliability is out the

I knew I’d seen that image somewhere before!

No, it’s because they are British. You know how there isn’t a market for 25 year old Jags that were imported for sale in the US when they were new? Same thing.

Hand down, the best football announcer ever.

You buddy’s wife is LGBTQ?

During wartime Toyo Kogyo produced the Arisaka rifle.

you mean like the Gawker writer who accused Greg Howard of sexually assaulting her and was told to go kick rocks by Gawker HR? I’m still blown away (and sadly, kind of not) that this site hasn’t said a single thing about that since it was put out there a couple months ago by her. I’m now on burner account #4 because I

Fiat Is Alright Too

We would too...