
If a goddamn pronoun is what’s outraging you or your kid about a Raptor action figure, don’t get the figure. Go get therapy.

Is this a joke? The PC Gaming Show was included in the Losers list? You guys are the losers for utterly ignoring it. They put on a great show and there were many interesting games and announcements. Bullshit, Kotaku. I love you guys but you guys ignoring the show and then shitting on it is nonsense.

Considering we rely on Soyuz now to get to the ISS, I think they currently have the last laugh.

I cannot get over that stache

This is the best article.

Because the 16 bit games on the genesis weren’t already pretty awesome? Seriously this retro bullshit has now totally become total bullshit

Thank you,second that.

My IP address is

Now just think what happens when you layer a transparent OLED with a transparent LCD. The OLED could even be just plain white, since you would only use it for a pixel specific backlight for the LCD. (or you could likewise use a color OLED with a simple grayscale LCD)

With that combo, you should be able to produce any

I disagree. Cameras are tools to capture moments. A talented photographer with an iPhone may very well take a better photograph than some rube with a medium format Hasselblad.

Cameras don’t take good photos. People do.

Expect street views of London U.K. when you’re travelling around New York. Lovely views of Mumbai when you’re in Birmingham U.K.

I take it that they'll be using Google Maps in order to navigate their way around.

Yet another thing for Apple to claim was their 'innovation' a few years down the road.

Man, back in the day when you could buy a console on launch day with good games readily available (and at least one packaged in the box with two controllers! :-O), you could work it with confidence and know that it would start just fine, every time, from the initial boot up..... no waiting for firmware updates; just

At the end of the day, Apple’s profits only speak towards their absolutely insane profit margins on everything they sell. Due to an almost cult-like mentality of its users, they can get away with such things.

How about “Rendering your users incapable of dealing with any other operating system”?

That’s not to say Apple doesn’t have plenty of original ideas worth stealing

Apple nerds are not going to like this.