It does everything in the most backwards and annoying way possible.
The biggest releases do often command $90+ prices in Japan, though.
To be fair that tree is only passive boosts. It would be pretty hard to make a tree that big if each node on there was some sort of interesting huge decision, but if you made it smaller/more interesting the jumps in power after leveling would likely be much larger.
In other words, it offers about the flexibility that D2 had in roughly the same manner, thus it's right up the author's alley.
Sounds like you want to play Path of Exile. Look at the passive skill tree:
Doesn't the closed beta have an NDA? Tsk Tsk.
Yeah, its pretty universally accepted that III is the best one. I hear V gets pretty good after some fan AI patches, though.
Speaking of HoMM III, the town musics make people nostalgia trip HARD. Link one to anyone who used to play and hasn't in a while, it works every time.
Is it okay? Personally, I think so.
You know he's said that he doesn't think Mojang is indie anymore, right?
You missed all that ridiculous "PC GAMING IS DYING!" nonsense from a few years ago? Lucky you.
So when PC gaming supposedly died a few years back, it was reincarnated as a console? Is that how it found it's way into that competition?
And yet, it will still probably top 2m in sales first week.
The new expansion is basically a polished version of the Mount and Musket mod for Warband. Same devs and everything.
Today, we're going to teach Mexicans how to Ninjitsu!
That's a mirror, not a shield.
They have confirmed that the PC version will have additional content, I doubt they would leave said content exclusive.
No, a faction is a group of people. In Elder Scrolls terms, the Fighters Guild, Mages Guild, Thief Guild, Dark Brotherhood, etc are factions.
I had a hunch that it would be like this, but I'm still sad to see that I'm right.