So by more pixels, you mean even higher resolution and clarity, right?
So by more pixels, you mean even higher resolution and clarity, right?
Cows blow up all the time. Frozen ones are no exception.
You would be racking up multiple shots in single sentences if you were to track every time someone said "whoreson" as well.
It's still enough, IMO. Having Quen take a few hits is a better use of a stamina point than parrying it and still taking damage, especially in the beginning when you have no points improving anything.
A little tip to all the new Witcher 2 players who may have difficulty troubles in the beginning of the game - Quen sign. It's amazingly powerful. That and Yrden are all you need to completely dismantle most human encounters. Seriously, the gameplay experience between using Quen and not are night and day.
Could it be ...
God I love this game. This article made me dig up and rewatch the excellent intro.
You're missing one key thing here, and that videogaming largely revolves around popular fads. WoW got popular, everyone making an MMO makes WoW clones. Halo got popular, everything now has regenerating health. If you're a fan of Quake III or UT, you're going to go a long stretch of time without seeing a new game to…
Sure, here you go. Not my words, but of a similar opinion. Short version - Being funneled down a linear path so you can go on a setpiece sightseeing tour is not everyone's thing, and many prefer more interaction in their games.
As a WoT player this is the first thing I thought too. If only you had faux OTM showing it as a Jagdtiger...
I agree with Dekir's assertation.
I believe it's a skin you get after beating the game.
From here, it looks like dogs like lightsabers quite a bit. That was more of a "LET'S PLAY!" behavior than "HOLY SHIT MUST GET AWAY!"
I'm not a game dev so I could be completely wrong here, but it was my understanding that all patches / dlc required the same certification process as a game, right? Obviously it would be shorter as there is less content and all, but I'm not buying this picture they keep trying to paint us of the team laboring the…
I think the part that annoyed me the most of the Borderlands loot was that they were too safe with the random variables. Each class of weapon essentially came in 3-4 flavors of progressively growing stats with only uniques really mixing things up. So much potential unused there.
I've noticed that video game credits are increasingly becoming this bloated, and they're full of names that typically wouldn't normally get credited in a movie. Do I really need to see the cast of all localizations when I did not even recieve that content? Or see a list of all those publisher staff who did nothing but…
Me too. At first I had thought that they were next to each other because they were for the same character, and that feminine jawline did not help misconceptions.
I thought some of your arguing points were pretty flimsy, tbh. You talk about how iOS has no used games, and then insinuate that everyone must shop at Gamestop? Uh huh.
It's the boobie lady!
I'll be waiting for the non-electric computer port.