Since the first name is so completely useless in ME, I name mine Shep Shepard.
Since the first name is so completely useless in ME, I name mine Shep Shepard.
That's a pretty standard US Military tradition. When I was in, My units had mottos like "Semper Paratus" (always prepared), "Primus inter Pares" (first among equals) and "Audacia" (the state or quality of being bold).
I'm not sure you understand how the ESRB rates things, and what AO is reserved for. The ESRB does not make thematic judgement calls like that. They're on the watch for swearing, gore, and nudity and that's pretty much it. When you go look up the ratings on Dante's Inferno, for example, it highlights "Blood and Gore,…
Boo: Day 1 DLC.
Who remembers Pong Kombat?
If you are asking if they are including a counterbalance i.e. the AN-94 Akaban or the AK107/108, it does not appear to be so. I think they're too expensive of an addition and/or too maintenance heavy for Russia's blood. Who knows, they might make a Spetznaz version with it.
No, they did. The AK-74 is from the late 1970s though. Think of the AK-12 as an AK-74 with ambidextrous controls, rails and a better positioning of the iron sights.
The AK-103 was simply an AK-74m variant chambered back in 7.62x39 and intended solely for export. It is not an upgrade of anything.
Russia rarely ever makes pretty weapons :)
If you're talking about the AK-10x series, those were solely for export.
Actually, the AKM is a modernized AK-47. The AK-74 is essentially an AKM with a few further refinements but was mainly adopted for an ammo caliber switch. The AK-103 is essentially an AK-74 switched back to 7.62x39mm ammo and designed solely for export.
You got it mostly right. Basically, AK-47's were only made for about a decade, and it's much harder to find them than what everyone calls an "AK-47" these days. These are actually AKMs.
I'm confused, are you implying that me getting amusement out of you contradicting yourself while trying to speak so authoritatively puts me in an ivory tower? Okayyy...
Honestly though, you could make similar comparisons with pretty much every publisher. Not every game gets pre-order DLC but everyone's done it at some point in time. It's undoubtedly effective, and is an industry-wide practice.
I do not have Brink so I cannot speak on that. But you're complaining about the New Vegas pre-order stuff? Really? They gave you very slight variations of a few weapons and armors that were already in the game and that's about it. I actually disabled it on my second character because I thought the stuff they gave you…
I find it interesting that while Bethesda are basically the progenitors of useless and overpriced DLC, in recent titles they've completely abandoned the concept and provide some of the best content for the cost DLC around.
The only thing I remember about that movie was how it ended with the old guy (Was it Cid? Don't remember.) having a look on his face like he peed his pants and saying "It...It's warm..."