Religious leaders portray games as evil, games portray religion as evil... Circle of life?
Religious leaders portray games as evil, games portray religion as evil... Circle of life?
Due to the extra la in there, I'd say it reminds me more of a swat team mask.
I'll just get this out of the way first: I agree that nobody needs to play Doom to be some sort of "true gamer".
"Sure, replacing your "Iron Sword" with a "Mythril Sword" is less transparent than replacing your "Avenger VI" with an "Avenger VII" but it's the same idea.
That's a perfectly legitimate argument / reasoning as to why you enjoy one game over the other, but it does not seem to reinforce the OPs claims of ME2 not being an RPG (not that I thought you were arguing this). :)
So the only thing that makes a game an RPG is inordinate amounts of similarly named loot conveniently tiered by roman numeral?
Jeez, these comments make me feel like the only diehard RPG player that preferred ME2 to ME1. As far as I see it, most of ME1's loot system was boring, and mainly consisted of getting tiered variants of the same few items over and over and simply replacing them with the next roman numeral higher when possible. Rather…
I always see the ME1 diehards say things like this, but I simply do not understand it. Most of ME1's loot was getting the same few items over and over and simply replacing them with the next roman numeral higher when it became available. Rather than making any specific playstyle decisions, for the most part you are…
Six tons is extremely light for a tank. Video games need to start showing women with real proportions!
So two questions:
If you've ever played a F2P game, you will know that some peoples' threshold for this stuff is, quite frankly, AMAZING. I wonder if it would be possible to make a profit with a high quality game in an under-represented genre with superfan-priced DLC?
And then there's some problem with the raffle and we're right back here.
Stickers don't give the company a pile of customer email addresses.
Amalur was disappointingly easy. It's got a pretty bad reverse difficulty curve (the game starts out okay on hard and gets progressively easier) that ruins an otherwise serviceable game. Too many I Win buttons, too many +X% modifiers on gear.
If you're a console-only diehard Bioware fan and you're not picking this up day one, I implore you to reconsider. You may just have a new favorite RPG dev after playing this, or at least one that you love just as much as Bioware.
Europe had quite extensive / comprehensive martial arts programs in its day. The difference is, rather than tightly clinging to tradition, the Europeans simply discarded these techniques when they became useless on the battlefield in the face of guns.
"Plus, they can do stuff other than RPGs (MDK2) though they haven't in awhile. I'm anxious to see what they do with the new Command & Conquer game."
Digital distribution on an open platform, where you have many people competing to sell you something, thus keeping prices down? Good.
China licensed the Dungeon Keeper IP to... make a F2P mmo T_T
The way I see it, your typical CoD soldier is over-represented, not MC being under represented.