
"Our goal is to hit that sweet spot where we represent what is fictionally true about the Chief while making sure you feel like you're a super-powerful human being when you're playing him."

I love these edits.

Your experience with the series pretty much mirrors mine. Crazy.

Get PC, HDMI cable, plug in 360 controller. Done.

I started on Daggerfall, so I was not aware of that. Still, point stands - there were better ways to explore Skyrim than with an N-Gage game.

Just checked the world map again, thought Solstheim was Skyrim territory, but apparently its neutral. /shrug

There was another way to see Skyrim 7 years ago, and it didn't involve becoming an N-Gage user.

I can't agree more. I still play WHQ from time to time and its so much fun. WHQ with the level of support FFG gives its games to expansions and whatnot would be amazing, just as long as I don't have to buy GW's insanely priced minis like the original :)

I had basically the same appraisal of the game the first time I played, but was coerced into playing again and my opinion changed a bit for the better. The key really is to make sure you're playing with 6 players, play with four and there simply are not enough players for some of the game's mechanics to shine.

Just look past their license games (which can be good in their own right) and go for the reprints of the classics FFG is fond of doing. Examples here include Cosmic Encounter, Dungeonquest, and Talisman. They're not "big box" games so they avoid the $60+ pricetags, but they're still slickly presented classics that are

Looks like a largely console-centric, short sighted popularity contest. Any "best ending" list with so many slots and not a single mention of Planescape: Torment is not doing it right.

For $90 you'd think they would give you a Fury in the correct scale. It's not that small.

R.A.D. was pretty damn rad.


It wouldn't surprise me. With all those theatrical re-releases planned, I'll bet they're going to start ramping up the Star Wars video game output.

Now playing

Or you can just go play Pineapple Smash Crew right now.

Are you really so surprised that there is nothing realistic about Skryim's economy? They artificially limit the gear quality in shops based on your level, after all.

You will be. "Free to Play" just means "Pay lots of money to have a frustration-free experience".

That re-imagining of the A-Team theme is absolutely horrible when compared to the original and has none of the impact or epicness.

While its true for some mods, I don't think I can agree with you in this case. Particularly regarding ME1, were many textures were embarrassingly low res (particularly civilian NPC clothing). It's one thing to go from nice to really nice, but a lot of the ME1 textures will be going from blurry blob to really nice and