
Well, there's a mod to remove the ad from legitimate versions as well, but that's just for PC. What happens when more console developers start doing such things?

The ad quote hits home because they just patched ads into Deus Ex's loading screens. I wonder how many developers are going to do something similar in the future?

It sounds like the guy who wrote the followup article just discovered the internet.

Ah, makes sense. Ty for the info.

I made a save right before doing it, just in case :)

Honestly, I never tried to melee Namir simply because it didn't work on the other two bosses. No matter, he was still plenty susceptible to the stun gun followed by copious amounts of headshots while stunned.

If you go to a limb clinic and get an upgrade chip when you are told to, Zhao is able to mess with your implants right before the Namir fight. Your vision and HUD go all crazy until the fight is over.

I did it knowing it was a trap, I wanted to see what would happen.

I'm the same way. I played the games many years ago, but haven't in a long while. Still a HUGE fan of the lore though.

It depends on your viewpoint. You see it as an optional add-on, I see it as correcting an obvious deficiency in the original 3DS design. I imagine as time marches on and the newer versions of the handheld come with a second analog stick, that slide pad is going to start looking less and less optional.

This is exactly why you don't buy the first version of any Nintendo handheld.

Take off, eh.

Sounds like a great idea! Agricultural jobs are gone, manufacturing jobs are gone, lets give reason for the entertainment jobs to leave too! Sounds like a winning idea to me.

I doubt the response on Kotaku is ever indicative of anything. Look at how many CoD haters pop up on any CoD article, for instance.

Really, it's about damn time that a decent action game has been made out of the 40k universe (No, Fire Warrior doesn't count). Sure, Space Marine might be pretty simple, but damn did they nail the setting. I can't wait to see how they evolve this series in the inevitable sequel.

The easiest would be your Blizzard game clones. The Torchlights, Titan Quests, Sacreds and virtually every single one of the 10 million MMOs after WoW. If you would like to exclude those, games like The Witcher 2 (replace gems for runes) and Two Worlds 2 meet those examples, and a plethora of games like Dragon Age,

Sure, loot system and crafting are a bit like Blizzard RPGs. They're also a bit like most other non-Blizzard RPG on the market these days. Loot, along with leveling, is pretty much the base requirement for calling something an "RPG" these days. The fact that the two games exist in separate sub-genres is why the

Art? Sure. Gameplay mechanics? Not really.

Maybe I'm a bit jaded, but to me this DLC looks like them monetizing respecs and nothing more.