
I posted this left-handed.

I've heard that there have been expensive software programs that have used this system in the past. I don't know exactly which they were (I think it was some kind of CAD software), but it basically boiled down to this - the dongle was prone to loss/failure/just plain inconvenient, was expensive/hard to replace and

I don't see how this is any more magic than having an electric socket wrench grind on the back of a tank to repair the damage of multiple shots from an enemy tank.

#3 and the virtue of internal batteries is debatable.

You sure? The banner for the sale specifically says "PC DIGITAL DOWNLOAD ONLY" on it.

The banner right in the article has fine print that says "PC DIGITAL DOWNLOAD ONLY".

Yeah, there are exceptions, definitely. That's why I said majority instead of all :)

Call me crazy if you must, but I'm a dub hater. No matter what it is, be it a movie, TV show, game, etc, I'd rather experience it in it's original incarnation. I'm the guy who downloads those Russian voice packs for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and believe that the overwhelming majority of dubs do not capture the intended feel of

Touche. Admittedly, I'm not a fan of CoD and don't hang on their every word.

The 60 fps thing makes me laugh. I don't think they've ever talked about it until it became the main technical difference between console versions of MW3 and BF3. And we all know how much the average console gamer cares about their framerate.

Not only is that gas station called S-Mart, but you can buy a boomstick inside. Also, if you hack the landlady's computer, you learn that the mirror has been in stock for 3 weeks and they're going to send it back if she doesn't pick it up soon.

Other than the warpaint, it doesn't look anything like a mabari. Not wide enough.

I like having a gradually increasing challenge in my games, with the end being the hardest. You can do this without cheap deaths, trial & error, or AI cheese, but I must admit that a lot of studios are not good at doing this. While I personally hold this opinion, I recognize that others have different opinions, and

Agreed. I don't condone pirating and would have steered the man to gog if they were selling it, but they're not. Nobody is. Buying an overpriced used copy is not netting the creators/publishers any money, so I say go ahead and pirate. If you do end up pirating it, make sure to purchase it if it ever does show up on

I think this is an apples / oranges thing. The point of entertainment is to be entertained. If you are buying entertainment products (like video games) that do not entertain you, you're doubly screwing yourself. Essentially, by buying American games you don't like, you would be giving the companies that produced them

Now playing

Oh man, you're right. How could I be so blind? This one's for you.

There are many ebony and glass mines in Morrowind, they had lootable veins and everything. Said mines likely didn't show up in Oblivion as they are volcanic by-products (Vvardenfell, the setting of Morrowind, is essentially one big volcano). Here's the entry on the Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages. That site has

In real life, yes. In the setting of the Elder Scrolls games, ebony is a volcanic stone with similar properties to obsidian yet much stronger than steel.

Seeing as those ghosts are still their original color, Pac Man's pointing in the wrong direction.

Calling a constant companion / partner character a pawn probably sounds a lot better in Japanese than it does in English.