
Bethesda, why'd you give Langdell a job?

I think your comparisons to MMOs are fine for talking about the majority of WoW's playerbase, but it leaves out a rather significant subset of players - the hardcore PvE raider. They try to grind through the leveling process as fast as they can (you could say it's one huge tutorial for them) to get to the "real" game,

Capcom sure seems to be going down the tubes lately. Horrible DRM experiments around every corner, the cancelling of much-awaited games, and now this. It's like they suddenly felt like they had to fail as hard as Squeenix does and are now rushing to catch up.

I'm not expecting everything to be completely unique here, but I really do feel like they weren't as liberal as they could have been with the modifiers. For example, with the exceptions of the few uniques, you would get the same three assault rifles over and over and over and over with slightly different properties.

I hope they really make 10 million guns this time, rather than the same 15 guns with slight properties changes.

"I want to play Diablo III on my laptop in a plane, but, well, I'd rather roll in the piles of cash we will get from auction house RMTs."

So, it's generic asian mmo #659027650297852 but with (more) violin emotes?

Now playing

He's bluffing! He's okay with karate. Bullets, on the other hand...

A good half of my favorite FFG games are old GW games (Cosmic Encounter, Talisman, Horus Heresy, Dungeonquest). Many games FFG made before they signed the licensing agreement with GW are obviously inspired by GW games and are arguably worse (Runebound - Talisman, Doom - Space Hulk). Old GW has a surprising amount of

But I want to use my card!

I'm sure it will have some similarities, but it looks like it does enough different to warrant some play. Fantasy Flight Games is really good at taking old Games Workshop ideas and giving them their own spin. Good enough that GW licensed all their old out of print boardgame properties to them.

All of Devolver Digital's press releases are so awesome.

Just think if the mob ran game publishers. We would have them hiring crazies to kill innocents in the name of their competitors games.

Wow, people are still using that? Thanks for the chuckle.

You realize he says specifically that he only owns a PS3 and you just named him two 360 exclusives?

Seriously, just go get the latest iteration of CoD if you're so worried about your skills. You want lone wolf multiplayer? The game encourages it. You're concerned about being a noob? Don't worry, the people in your average CoD game are pretty terrible.

There are simply too many good games these days for one to manage playing them all. Luckily, Ubisoft is looking out for us and helping us make our decisions easier. I'm a huge HoMMaphile, but if Ubi includes the drm with the new one they can fuck right off. The other 20 million awesome games that came out this year

You can only redeem steamworks games on steam regardless of where you buy them. Non-steamworks games do not tie directly to your account, hence the "add non-steam game" option. This is mainly for getting the steam overlay in non-steam games, and having a link to them in your steam library, but will not let you