So where do these get redeemed? Impulse?
So where do these get redeemed? Impulse?
I'm sure the Japanese already have many.
It was never a non-linear game. Just because the corridors didn't have a roof over them 100% of the time, that doesn't mean that mechanically it wasn't a corridor shooter.
Red Faction: Guerilla was a whole hell of a lot of fun. Open world + mass destruction made it this way. When you take half of the equation out, and lean heavily on your meh shooting for your next game, you're just not going to shift copies. Simple as that.
I mostly agree with you, I would maybe add the Might & Magic games to that, though.
While I agree with most of your sentiments, far too little TBs are being made these days, and I would not mind another 40k one. It'll never happen though, le sigh.
There will be alternate chapters for the campaign, I believe. The multiplayer has full character customization.
Honestly, you can. If you go into the military with no debt, you are 100% set. They house you, buy you food, give you medical/dental. If you show some restraint you can pocket a good 50% or more of your paycheck, even at the lower ranks.
I was thinking more of an anti-steam fanboy, but close enough.
SSG is E6 :)
That sounds like a brilliant idea. Just think - digital distribution is largely based on the trust that you can access the games you pay money for. If people lose their trust in a reputable company like Valve, they likely won't trust anyone for digital distribution ever again. Sounds like a great future for fans of…
I can do this in firefox just fine. Strange.
Here's a fun little anecdotal story: During my time in the army, I would often play games instead of go out drinking with everyone. They lived paycheck to paycheck, I was buying $20k cars, laptops, gaming PCs, huge tvs, etc without loans (wasn't obliterating my savings, either) on an E4 paycheck. Was pretty funny…
Well, this redesign is closer to the industry standard of boobs, bad tats and skintight clothing on women than Bioware's version. That is to say that I absolutely hate it.
Right click on the little expand button, open link in new tab/window.
You should probably prepare to get pissed then.
They won't.
When games are no longer sold from steam, they don't disappear from people's libraries. If you bought the game you can still download it and it will still update, work correctly, and everything else. It just isn't gong to be for sale anymore.
Many of them are pre-rendered using the in game graphics, but yes, they're there. I can only think of one off the top of my head that is what you want, the Shepard resurrection scene in the beginning of ME2.
A lot of companies still do pre-rendered cutscenes, they just use the in game graphics for them. It's not very noticeable on consoles, but when you're playing the PC port in 1080p and they show you a much lower resolution cutscene, it sticks out like a sore thumb.