
How is it? Does it compare favorably to 2017?

The champions of pretending they were not hit, maybe.

They do have paintballs with paint that is specially formulated to not mess up the playing field. They are used for large events that take place in areas that are not normally devoted to paintball. If preservation of the field was the number 1 priority, you could always use those.

Eh, it depends on your definition of sense. Without starting an airsoft vs paintball flamewar, lets just agree they would both be fun here.

Sculpture? Screw that. Make it a paintball field.

Now playing

According to picture 2, this game will have heat seaking missiles.

Damn... You win.

Held? Yeah. Fought with one with my life depending on it? No. Have you?

You play Demon's Souls? I understand what you're getting at, but they don't use them that way. When you block, it looks like your character is doing an uppercut, and the single handle isn't centered.

One of the many reasons I love From Software. They don't seem to know how shields are held, but Demon's Souls had some awesome female armor.

ET? If we're counting memorably bad games, I could just as well argue that Duke Nukem Forever is and will be memorable on similar grounds.

I mentioned Atari because, as you said, they had much overlap with arcade games. If you would like, you can try with the arcade games of that era instead. My point is still the same - there were quite a few games back then as well, and nobody remembers half of them. Gaming quality hasn't taken a nosedive over the

And the games back in the Atari days weren't forgettable? How many of the 418 Atari 2600 games can you name off the top of your head?

The other thing about f2p games that famoustrip does not cover is that the people that DO pay in F2P games pay BIG. It's how companies can run games where only 20% of their players buy anything.

I think the only reason they did so was because they knew the pirates would have a better experience in that instance. There's no 3DS pirating yet, right? So essentially there is no better version of Mercenaries 3D to compete against at this time and thus no motivation to change.

There already IS restriction here, but its self imposed. If a 10 year old kid here in America walks into the local Gamestop and tries to buy an M rated title, he will be refused. The law would have made it a CRIMINAL OFFENSE if the kid was not refused. Mature video games would then likely to be subject to similar

"Starting inane and immature feuds between gaming franchises."

I agree with you, and you forgot the article Kotaku had not too long ago where Gabe said that Valve is done with the episodic model, and is now looking towards the TF2 style 1-game-100-updates model. It would be pretty silly to have them say they were done with episodes and then release another.

Yes, I am aware there are exceptions and I was generalizing. However, the Space Marine game uses Ultramarines, which are as codex as you can get. You can't tell me with a straight face that their upper echelon troops don't use copious amounts of power swords. I just think it's funny that the weapon that the main

X-Com is definitely the king of the troop-managing tactical TBS, but Chaos Gate is no slouch (especially if you are a 40k fan).