
Oh god, the books and movies argument. Look, games aren't books or movies and they don't need to be books and movies. That's why we HAVE books and movies. Games have potential for level of personal interaction that you simply do not get with books/movies, and having on-rails corridor shooters can really drag people

Supposedly, the AI has different mannerisms depending on what clan/gang/faction the enemies are part of, and a good part of what has been advertised so far is the beginning areas. Hopefully they're not BSing us, and the late game enemies are properly smart.

MMMM Tie Fighter. Man did that game rock.

I just went and looked, and it's not QUITE the void. There is an ending card called The Hand of Doom, and forces players on the crown to roll a die every turn. 1 = all players die, 2-3 = lose one life, 4-5 = kill an opposing player, 6 = kill all opposing players. I think I remembered it as the void because when we

You might want to try asking around at Boardgame Geek, there are a ton of BG designers over there.

There are alternate victory conditions in the many expansions for the game, and one of them does indeed contain the void.

It's basically Warhammer light, it was a collab between MB and GW.

I still have my 100% complete copy of Fireball Island. You have no idea how many people DEMAND to play it once they learn this.

Ah, okay. Makes sense then.

What about Australian car makers owned by American companies? Like Holden and such.

Out of the three Stalker titles, Shadow of Chernobyl is easily the buggiest but far from unplayable. I played it about a year after English release, and everything was properly sorted for me and beat the game without any sort of community patches. Since then, I've played the hell out of it with no game-breakers.

Stalker is 100% playable. You crazy.

I thought it was rather good, but it was no S.T.A.L.K.E.R. for sure. If they ditch the checkpoints for a proper save system and fix the shoddy stealth system (that you had to use for the "true" ending), it will be a good start.

Brink uses Steamworks rather than GFWL, which I am totally down with.

At this point, you're going to have to go petition Fantasy Flight Games rather than GW. They have a partnership, and FFG handles all of GWs board game properties.

If you want to get technical, GW did make a Heroquest game. It was called Advanced Heroquest, and was WHQ's precursor.

I have no idea, I was simply being pessimistic. There were god knows how many versions of GGXX, and they don't seem to have changed their business strategy with BB.

@CowLion: Depends on how lucky the empire player gets with their cannon, imo.