
The Portal 1 numbers aren't that surprising, honestly. It was packed in with the Orange Box and given away for free at one point, making the chance for someone that owns the game but is not that interested in it much higher than normal.

I realize that sarcasm is not an easy thing to convey over the internet, so I won't say too much to you here other than point out that's what it was.

More hats.

I suppose that depends on your definitions of identity and individuality. If I kill you and flawlessly assume your identity, am I you? Or am I me, pretending to be you?

"All the virus did was replicate and replace his human cells with the blacklight cells.

If you finish the web of intrigue, you learn that the thing you are playing is really just a clump of the virus cells that thinks it is Alex Mercer because it was one of the first humans it had ate. It's just confused and eating.

Mercer was the player's character, but a good guy? Not in the slightest. Unless of course you think a clump of virus cells ravenously devouring humans while having an identity crisis is good guy material, of course.

@LVGamer: I don't really think that "hardcore" gamers feel like they NEED all of that stuff for a complete game, but things that used to be free. If portal 2 was made 10 years ago, all of that stuff in the store would be free and have achievement-based unlock requirements rather than monetary-based ones.

This is just one of those internet rules: if you leave ANYTHING up to open internet voting, you are going to get the worst possible result. Ain't that right, Mr. Splashy Pants?

The G.I. Joe movie has the best intro of anything, ever. Just sayin'.

"Who puts "2" next to next big thing?"

They did. And it is.

Now playing

@Metatron: After having just watched Hobo with a Shotgun, I would 100% watch Lord of the Hobos and love every second of it.

Is that what Phyrexians look like? I played magic back in the day, and only a scant few cards ever had any phyrexian association (and those were all artifacts). Oh, and we used to pronounce it "freakin", for speed. I still remember that freakin' dreadnought.

I disagree. Your facebook friends see you like something, great. Your gaming friends that give a rats ass about Battlefield will already know about 3, while your non-gaming ones won't give a crap.

Got numbers to back that up? I can just as easily say "It makes no difference".

I hate these Facebook like-whoring campaigns.

@butaneko: I do believe the porno film crew were old friends of his, and they helped her become an idol by making her a promotional video.

@RiotControl: Gamebryo is only a rendering engine. It does not come with some built-in animation solution that sucks or anything like that.