
With the lack of DLC for most games, I don't think nickle and diming is the Nintendo policy.

They're games are also running on 20 years because they do one or two a generation, not an annual release. People look forward to a new Mario/Zelda/Metroid/Star Fox because they're few and far between, and the quality of them is always top notch.

I agree with this. For some reason, the gaming community has created a culture of complaining and whining. People hate when a game is released on a cycle, be it one year or two. People complain when there is time and distance between sequels. It's a community that is almost impossible to please.

Can you provide some insight on the controls for the first and second player? Any gimmicky "blow in the mic" or waggle-type controls? Or did they get rid of that crap that plagued the Wii version of the game.

Oh, someone on the internet hates something and is being snarky about it. That's cool and refreshing.

I've had every console Nintendo has made, and bought a Wii U on day one. I still don't have a clue what Miiverse is.

This would be great as two sets. One of the mansion, one of the cave, that stack on top of one another. Similar to what they did for Jabba's Palace/Rancor Pit a year or so ago.

I think most people aren't saying "Get a REAL job." I think most people are saying, "If you're relying on the content of others to make your living, you have no room to cry when the creators of that content no longer allow you to use it." If you're doing video game reviews, great. If your reviews rely heavily on

I haven't bought one, but having seen some PS4's on friends shelf, they look beautiful.

It's relevant. When you hear of console failures, one thinks of the Red Ring, and questions if this failure is similar. It puts it into perspective.

Are we going to address the fact that nobody wants to see your game clips? Nobody cares.

Everybody has their own system, but trophy, tickets, achievements, Furby points, whatever you want to call them, I've never understood the need for a reward for playing a game.

I will never understand the love or need for "achievements."

Bought this for Wii U.

Wait... wait... don't tell me.

Finally, someone took the hassle of gameplay out of playing a game.

I haven't played Online Mario Kart once. I'm not sure that the "online" aspect was that big of a draw. I don't know anyone who plays/played it online.

Older consoles typically outsell newer consoles in every generation. The PS1 was the best selling console for a long time after the release of the XBOX, PS2. Same story with PS2.

I get where you're coming from. We're all in our mid-30s, are married or have families, and have our careers and other priorities.

We've all grown up. Since when is doing an activity that everyone is enjoying considered a "waste of time"? I guess you and your friends are busy solving all of the worlds problems when you get together? No time to waste on a couple pints and some games?