
This is the hardest I've ever laughed at a tll

Titanfall ($15) | Origin

I think you have a point. But if we are shitty to them, we do give them a reason to continue keep being shitty to us, right? How does that serve us?

Thanks! I'll check it out.

This seems almost totally accurate. It's also full of the kind of flaming and disrespect that ensure that GG is here to stay.

It's possible to vocalize your justified outrage without resorting to name calling. Kirk just did, actually.

Dark Souls II ($19) | Bandai Namco

Yeah. That's why I really love the Frank Miller books. They're more Law and Order than Infinity Gauntlet, and it's wonderful.

I think Batman, like almost every old comic book character, could use a good nerf. Power creep is real. Nerfing him into the ground might allow him to get back to his vigilante detective roots.

Yeah, the stakes will be lower, but it's Batman. The universe doesn't need to be on the verge of destruction every single

d f f f

Yeah. Super weird playing it with my wife in the room. Fun though.

I respect that. And I've been completely shocked by how much WoW has held my attention since I resubbed 6 weeks ago. Like coming home. My nerdy, isolated home.

BTW, Kotaku, yes. It's definitely worth it to resub before WoD if you haven't killed Garrosh yet. Epic battle, epic lore, epic loot (for like 2 more weeks, anyway).

Plus the new character models and spell rotations are already out, so it's been very much worth my while.

this jpeg is a delight, sir

Is this a safe place to admit I'd devour any of these burgers?

ITT Bob's Burgers gets snubbed *hard*

Tygore — for the sexiest Mr. Game and Watch ever.

I'd been looking for my Girl Talk/Neil Cicierega fix.

I didn't know that about Amnesia. Thanks for the tip.

I was talking to a friend about Gone Home this weekend and he, like you, reminded me of the pseudo-horror angle it takes. I'm definitely going to have to address that aspect.

What's funny is that I'm screening the latest Jane Eyre in class this week (English class