
If you do have a snack before bed, wine and chocolate shouldn’t be part of it. Chocolate contains caffeine, which is a stimulant. Surprisingly, alcohol has a similar effect. “People thinks it makes them a little sleepy, but it’s actually a stimulant and it disrupts sleep during the night,” Dr. Carlson says.

It puts you to sleep, but the quality of sleep isn’t as good, so you might sleep a greater amount of time, but you might also be getting a lower overall total of the necessary deep sleep.

I honestly have no idea how guys can be so bad at aiming. Maybe I have good pee aim (whoo! Go me. Gotta make sure I tell all the ladies that one...), but I pretty much never, ever miss. Hell, I woke up in the middle of the night last night to take a leak and peed accurately without having to turn the light on (there

Might give you some nostalgia, but since when is Ottawa or Edmonton in French Canada?

Or find a roommate that is a professional chef. Makes getting top quality stuff even cheaper. Bonus points if he brews his own beer in the basement.

Smart TV’s are a waste of money. Get a regular TV for less and buy a Roku.

I’d go with a Mrs. Pacman machine, but to each their own

My mom is an interior designer. It’s pathetic that I’m 27 and she stills help me decorate, but I gotta say, my place looks nice, I get compliments, and other than the cost of the items and answering questions about why I don’t have a girlfriend, it’s basically free!

Once a week? Oh. We gotta a fancy boy over here!

I had this girl visit and stay with me one weekend. When we had previously hung out, she seemed great. Long story short, hoooollllly shit was I wrong. She was awful. But I gotta say, one nice thing she did was cleaned up my entire apartment while I was out one morning, made my bed, etc. I imagine it’d be pretty sweet

When I graduated college and was moving into my first real place outside of my parents’ house, I knew not to go cheap on my mattress. While I didn’t go queen (I went full... whatever), I made sure I got a good, comfortable mattress. I’m glad I did that, but a few years later, I want to go even BIGGER and more

As JuanCarlosEsposito below mentioned, he says that this is on a Saturday, so that makes it pretty acceptable. But I still completely agree with your point. I fucking hate it when co-workers bring their kids in. They come by and introduce them as if I give a fuck who their 7-year and 11-year old children are. Then the


I’m in Philly. I’m happy if the trash truck even comes at all on trash day. Man... our city budget is fucked.

Say hi to Art Alexakis for me when the Waaahmbulance comes to pick you two up.

The mix of ice and water is effective at chilling your drinks faster cuz the liquid water allows more direct conduction of heat instead of having air gaps between ice cubes. However, pound for pound, pure ice will do more chilling cuz the enthalpy of fusion (~80 cal/g) is so much greater than whatever

Is your niece a goat?

I hope this doesn’t come off as highlight truther kinda BS, but that didn’t really look like he juked them both out so much as used his body really well to separate the first defender from the ball and then just tapped the ball perfectly past the incoming (2nd) defender.

Still amazing dribbling, but I think of a juke

Getting laid after prom? Oof. I wish. I got DUMPED within 48 hours of the end of prom. TWICE. I may have been a shitty boyfriend (not mean or anything, just young, stupid, and general incapable of interacting with women very well), but still, that was painful. Fuck prom.

I have a great garlic pretzel recipe that I use as a go-to homemade snack for parties, but shit, I might have to give this a test drive. I thank you!