
hey, they have every right to milk every single click out of this they can

I need a clearer picture of his bank account so I can hack it. I mean it sounds like he's making bank if he's making what the other guy makes in 2 years in one week. Oh gimme gimme. I mean nom nom.

I studied econom-nom-nomics.

I think most Asian-Americans (not counting fringe crazies like Suey Park or Michelle Malkin) had no problem with Colbert's joke, but the internet backlash against Asian-Americans with headlines like this is what offends them. The problem with jokes like these is that they encourage the closet racists to come out of

no one is eating babies en mass, people are currently impacted by slurs. The tweet out of context doesn't relate to the problematic team, so how can the reaction to the tweet be erasing Native struggle?

They wanted to get the Asian community's attention with the tweet. Well they got it. Now they have to deal with it.

Hey Colbert - If you're going to go counter-racist, have the balls to make it a "nigger" joke.

The over-defensive reaction to Colbert's racist satire - yes, it was satire, and, yes, it was racist - is interesting.

While I know Colbert is far from being a racist, he's walking that fine line that Chapelle did, where your satire is appealing to people for the wrong reasons (and believe me this is true for the Colbert Report as I know people who watch the show that agree with his fictional persona and do not pick up on his overall

How could you possibly use the word "G_ _ K" in the headline? WTF is wrong with you?

I love your sites, but FUCK YOU VERY MUCH FOR THIS HEADLINE. Change it, assholes.