
On the next episode of Girls...

First Jay-Z now Gaga. Pretty soon everyone is going to want a space at the MoMA.

"I don't care. I like to stare!"

Aw nuts.


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He did some great music when he was in Beats International during New Jack Swing era.

That other song was just filler this was the one you got on the dance floor for.

I liked the movie. It's also called the movie business and I see how they approached this film monetarily while also enjoying the film. You have your answer Roman now I ask you, why so trolly?

I could care less if a scifi flick shows baseball, apple pie and a California blond with big boobs jumping up and down with sparklers in each hand while Lee Greenwood is playing in the background as an asteroid is headed towards the earth. Just don't sugar coat it.

Or as Mad Magazine called it Die-Nasty

"It's about how our problems are no longer the purview of one nation anymore. To meet the world's new dangers, we need to stop identifying as Americans or Chinese or Russians — we need to identify as humans."

It isn't as good as ABC's version of "IT"

Just the downstairs?

This is what happens when you pattern your life after the show Girls.

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You may want to think this through Donald.

Texas Repubs want a fresh face just in case Wendy Davis runs.

I know a good optometrist.

"the first in a trilogy of post-apocalyptic YA novels about a cataclysmic event that kills off everyone on earth not between the ages of 12 and 21."