
You know I’m right, but you don’t want to lose the argument. 

Tell that to the billion dollar corporations that don’t pay taxes and take loans they never pay back. That would benefit America a lot more.  

There was a time in the US when you COULD include student loan debt in filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy.

I’ve worked all over the world. For the last 20 years, I’ve traveled between 50-75% of the time. But this is only my second time to live permanently outside of the USA.

Places like Office Max/Depot and the UPS Store usually have inexpensive shredding services. If you have too much paper/not enough time, they will shred it for you.

When I was repatriating back to the U.S. a few years back I had fantasies of my container falling off the ship and the moving company cutting me a big fat check so I could just start all over.  

If you haven’t already done this, consider taking a couple of small decorative items with you. I cannot tell you the comfort I get from having a few small pieces that are familiar to me when I am far away from my family.  

If you’re a DSLR person out to capture the landscape- get up early and catch it when there aren’t a ton of people in your shots, you don’t feel self-conscious about snapping people’s neighborhoods or being in the way. The morning light will almost always benefit your shots anyways and it’s a pretty relaxing

I grew up in the right seat of small planes, so to me an airliner is like riding on a luxury bus with air suspension. Quiet, comfy, and cozy compared to a 4-seat propeller airplane that weighs less than a small car. On rough days, they can really get tossed around, but the fundamentals are the same.

That’s the rub. Trump is a abject failure of a man in life and in business and yes he did get elected but everyone can see that he

What would Trump do, if handed this purloined DNC server? What would he even hope to find in it?

That’s Miss Chanandler Bong.

Oh boy. I was twenty...somethingish when this came out and I watched every episode. Every comment that says, “I was in 2nd grade when this came out” or “I was 10" just makes me cringe because it reminds me how old I am compared to the average Jez commenter.

I love that she “withdrew” her statement about sex-starved males on the floor by popping the words “sex. starved. males. on the floor” and then looking very pointedly at the guy who asked her to withdraw it. Very, “I’m sorry I called you a gap toothed bitch. It’s not your fault you’re so gap toothed..” but in this

That’s just way too simplistic a view. It supposes that democrats who are moderate or centrists aren’t democrats. They are democrats. I consider myself a liberal democrat, but I’m not going to pretend (1) that a good percentage of the democratic party are moderates, not liberals (polls have shown this to be true) and

There is a BERNIE OR DIE neon sign here, and it’s burning my retinas.

Stop it with the circular firing squad! Focus your rage on the Republicans, not on your own team! Jeez....

I want a different nominee for the Democrats SO SO BAD!!! (Go Warren! Go Inslee!) But Biden is the front runner at this point. And I worry that all this negative press on him will discourage voter turnout, and we will lose again in 2020, and that scares me more than anything.

In DC the no food or drink on the trains rule was very strictly enforced until the recent change mentioned in the article. I would guess that most DC commuters have no idea that the rule is no longer being enforced. 

sorry, but, no.