
Nice reply to King. If I hadn't already uninstalled all of their games, I would have now. Fuck those guys.

Okay, so usually when the subject of Candy Crush comes up, I'm like "hey, I might not like the game, but props to them for making money, I guess."

My thoughts exactly.

fuck candy crush.

Geez, if only Capcom was smart enough to put this DLC on the disc, then those who wanted it could just download an unlock code after purchasing it, while everyone else would already have the data on their disc, drastically cutting down the size of the patch.

The angry, judgmental comments on this thread are upsetting. But I think there's something interesting if you read them a little deeper.

There are so many things wrong with this post, but you at least got one thing right: Most of the world defines gender by genitalia. Most of the world decides your gender by what's between your legs or what your chromosomes, and not by who you are in the deepest, most basic core of your mind. What you're missing here,

I can sympathize with Mike - I had a similar epiphany in my late teens, when I realized I had spent much of my adolescence using my self-identification as a nerd, and the fact that I was often bullied by bigger/dumber/more popular kids as an excuse for behavior that, in my mind, was simply me innocently using my mind

Unquestionably a good game, one I've put 200+ hours into and played through 3 whole times, twice including all the DLC (which I bought). But still, deep down I feel like it doesn't do justice to it's predecessors. Bethesda made a game I enjoyed, but it really seems like they kind of missed the point of Fallout.

I've been watching these videos every time they come out, and feel like I learn something "new" each time I watch them. I say "new" in quotes because the fact of the matter is that somehow, in the back of my head, I always knew the things that Anita was saying. However, watching these videos made me aware which is

Yes, that law. Don't really see how the fact that you personally don't like the law means you can just hold the government hostage and blame them for not caving in, but meh.

"In retrospect, our biggest takeaway is that we are lucky that SimCity has an enormous number of loyal fans."
The way they put that just instantly translated it to me as "We can make a turd sandwich, slap a Sim City sticker on it, and push it out the door. They'll buy it, the loyal cuss's they are."
I mean sure, I'm a

I'm happy you feel that way!

I think it's just the opposite. Watching hardcore players inspires others to invest time in the game. I'm complete trash at fighting games because I have the brain cells of a fish. Seriously, my win-loss ratio seldom exceeds 10%. I rack up 10~20 game losing streaks because I get stomped by just about anybody with

Man, back in the Melee days I thought I was hardcore. Then I played some wavedashers and hence forth found myself in an awkward and barren middle ground, stuck between those who didn't play often enough and those who I felt exploited the hell out of the game.

Please excuse my language, but:

Besides the $5 a month to play multiplayer, which as an xbox convert I was already doing, Sony just absolutely obliterated Microsoft. They spread them buttcheeks. Microsoft wasn't sure at first but shhh shhhh it's ok. It's ok. You'll actually like it. Oh Sony-sempai. Be gentle it's my first time~

Yes, but people seem to gloss over the fact that the seller is losing the game. The game is not sold 3 times thus resulting in 3 people owning the game. Only 1 copy exists with 1 owner. Thus, all economic/property laws are satisfied. So, no, there is no reason the original developer should receive a cut of resales. I