Making Your First Deck
Making Your First Deck
Huh. These look more like Chinese style "oil sticks", or you tiao, rather than churros to me.
No mobile? This seems perfect for touchscreens.
Length doesn't mean anything, quality of experience does.
I'm disappointed that it's not async, but if it's aimed at PC, then I get it. Why, though? Async for mobile seems to be the best of both worlds for turn based strategy games, Hero Academy showed that it could be done. Why aren't people going to async?
Yeah, google bothers me too. I default to Apple maps because of it...
I mean, is it really any more wasteful than keeping it in inventory and holding up shelf space, or spending resources trucking it around to landfills?
It's a cool piece of tech, I like the tech. I just don't like what they're doing with the tech. Counting the number of people in the room and reporting it to advertisers? Checking out how you respond to ads by taking your temperature and pulse rate?
Even acknowledging that they are thinking about doing it would lend legitimacy to the idea that they could do it. I think that they are right to avoid talking about removing Kinect if they intend to continue with their plan.