It's the ultimate gamer mentality, though. "put enough niceness tokens in, sex comes out!"
I hate the idea. Let old wounds heal, please, don't go ripping off scabs. Really? One of the most emotion charged console wars that you WON, and you want to make a movie out of it?
The slightly dead looking girl would be a good place to start.
Ok, I mean, seriously. Making yourself up to look like a corpse is NOT ATTRACTIVE.
Soooooo... real girl gamers, or "girl gamers"? >.>
This is genius. The very first casual MMO?
Crap toys are great for kids too. I think most parents get suckered into buying expensive crap, when cheap stuff would do just as well. Really, how expensive of a jump rope do you need? Or how expensive do blocks need to be? Chalk is dirt (haha) cheap.
If I had to take drugs to play a game? Yeah, I'm not playing it.
I dunno, I threw up the first time around. >.>
Completed the game. Or finished the game.
High score of 9000+ =D
Sure. And I have really dry skin, see...