
It's the ultimate gamer mentality, though. "put enough niceness tokens in, sex comes out!"

Whelp. There you go.

I hate the idea. Let old wounds heal, please, don't go ripping off scabs. Really? One of the most emotion charged console wars that you WON, and you want to make a movie out of it?

The slightly dead looking girl would be a good place to start.

Ok, I mean, seriously. Making yourself up to look like a corpse is NOT ATTRACTIVE.

Soooooo... real girl gamers, or "girl gamers"? >.>

All hail his noodliness!

This is genius. The very first casual MMO?

Just carry a damn man bag. GAWD. I can fit my macbook in there, it's great. Never have to worry about not having my stuff with me. Pens, notebooks, candy - in it goes. And I haven't snapped a credit card in weeks.

Crap toys are great for kids too. I think most parents get suckered into buying expensive crap, when cheap stuff would do just as well. Really, how expensive of a jump rope do you need? Or how expensive do blocks need to be? Chalk is dirt (haha) cheap.

Toys might just be moving into the digital age, though. Wii Music can only be considered a toy. Most sandbox games are better considered toys than games.

If I had to take drugs to play a game? Yeah, I'm not playing it.

I dunno, I threw up the first time around. >.>

Oh fine. Arugula.

I hate you.

Completed the game. Or finished the game.

High score of 9000+ =D

Sure. And I have really dry skin, see...